Little furry friend (Bruno x F!Reader) part1

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a/n: If you know where Sebastián the rat is from, congratulations you are so cool and I love you a lot :)



Bruno asked quietly so as not to disturb anyone as he bent down and reached under the cupboard for the umpteenth time that afternoon. It was not uncommon for some of his rats to spend time away, usually with Antonio, but they always returned at least by meal time. It had been days since the last time he had seen Sebastián eat at Casita.

He was worried, even though his younger nephew had assured him that the rat was fine and not getting malnourished, which meant that he was getting food elsewhere, and that was what scared him. Why didn't his little furry friend want to eat with him anymore? Where did he go every day? Where did he get food from? Who gave it? And why didn't even Antonio know?

He was being paranoid and he knew it, but after spending ten years in solitude with only rats for company, he had learned to love these animals as if they were part of his family, no matter how horrified Pepa and his mother felt about it.

"What are you looking for?"

The man jumped out of his skin and hit his head against the furniture. He grunted a little as he sat on the ground and rubbed his head, before looking at his older sister trying to hide her giggling behind her hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Julieta said but her tone revealed how amusing she found the situation "are you okay?"

"Yes, yes" he answered, accepting the hand she offered him to stand up "it's just that I can't find Sebastian"

"Your rat?"

"yes, have you seen it?"

" know that only you and Toñito can distinguish them, right? For me they are all the same"

"How can you say that?" he asked a bit offended "They are clearly different, I don't confuse your three daughters with Pepa's three children, do I?"

The healer simply rolled her eyes fondly and offered him a soft, apologetic smile. Although she and Pepa never fully understood Bruno's love for those animals, they loved their brother and knew how important they were to him, if he said they were different, she would respect it.

"Have you already asked Antonio?"

"Yes, but he said that his animals didn't want to tell him where he was, something about a secret and that it wasn't time yet" he shrugged.

"Oh how lovely, maybe your son has a surprise for you?" she laughed

"It's not funny, Julieta" he frowned "...I just want to know that he's okay"

"I'm sure he is" the brunette smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder "don't worry, you'll find him"

"I hope so" he sighed defeatedly "I'm going to look for him in town, I hope he's not in trouble"

Julieta silently watched as Bruno left shoulders hunched and looking definitely defeated and tired. He didn't even wave back to Pepa when he walked past her through the door.

"Is he ok?" the redhead asked

The older triplet just shrugged and looked where her brother had gone before she got up and went to work with her sister's help. They both knew perfectly well that of their trifecta, Bruno was the one they understood the least, but they hoped that he would go to one of them if he really needed them.


Bruno hurried through the paths of Encanto trying to catch up with Sebastián. He had spotted it a few minutes ago and although he tried to call it, the animal simply ignored him and went on his way, leaving the poor man making a scene around town while he tried to catch it.

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