Strawberry milkshake 🍓

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Lets do this homies 😛😛
Also ill be using 'Mel' instead of 'Melanie' when referring to her most of the time cuz im too lazy to write out her whole first name 🤓👏🏻

It was a nice spring day and you and Mel were just walking around town, as where you guys lived didn't get weather this nice most of the time.
But, you saw Mel looking at you out of the corner of your eye.
You looked over at her, worry written all over your face, as you figured something was wrong.
"Mel? Is everything alright, love?"
"Oh, yes! I just have a question."
You smiled.
"Well, ask me and I might have an answer."
Melanie giggled and pointed to the pink sign above you guys.
"Can we go here? It's a cafe and my sweet tooth is driving me nuts!"
"Aw, sure, Mel. Besides, when's the last time we had something sweet, anyway?" You jokingly asked, opening the door to the cafe and motioning for Melanie to walk in.
Melanie put a finger to her chin and said with a know-it-all grin,
"Uh...two nights ago. Remember, I made those chocolate chip cookies?"
"Oh...right. Sorry, I forgot." You joked.
When the both of you walked in, you guys walked up to the register and you saw Mel squinting at the menu, trying to figure out what she wanted.
Your eyes did the same as hers, squinting at the lit up menu that was hung on the wall and darting in different directions once your eyes found something that sounded interesting.
"Ooh...Mel! How about strawberry milkshakes?"
Mel's jaw dropped and her lips formed into a wide smile.
"Yeah! That sounds delicious, n/n!!"
" you wanna share one or do you want your own?"
"Let's share! Please...n/n?" Melanie begged, giving you puppy eyes.
Which, even though you were the one that asked, you couldn't deny the look she gave you.
"Yes, of course we can share."

The lady behind the register smiled and looked up at you two.
"I'm guessing you guys want a strawberry shake...?" She asked.
"Yep." You confirmed, laughing a little.
The lady entered the order and looked back up at you guys.
"$1.45. Cash or card?"
The lady pointed to the card swiper.
You slid your card through the slit and began to place it back into your wallet.
"It will be out in a minute. You may go find a table if you like or you can wait here, whichever you prefer." The lady said, fixing the bun in her hair.
"What do you wanna do, Mel?"
"Let's go find a table." Mel said, grabbing your hand and skipping away to one of the tables near the window of the cafe.
You laughed and sat down diagonal from Mel, grabbing a few napkins from the napkin holder next to you.
Mel poked out her bottom lip and crossed her arms.
As soon as you saw her pouty expression, you furrowed your eyebrows and bit your lip out of confusion.
"Hey, sweet tart, what's the face for?" You asked, booping Mel on the nose.
"I wanted you to sit next to me." The half-pink-and-half-black-haired girl whined, looking up at you.
"But, Mel- there's no seat next to yours."
"Then just sit in my lap! It'll be alright...!"
Blush sprinkled your pale cheeks like fairy dust as you placed the napkins you were holding down on the table.
"A-are you sure...?!" You asked, trying to hide your red face.
Melanie giggled, clearly amused by your embarrassed behavior, and held out her hand.
"Yeah! Totally!" She confirmed.
You got up from your chair and pushed it in, walking over to Mel and gasping as she pulled you down by your waist and into her lap.
The said girl wrapped her arms around you and gave you a small peck on your neck.
"Is everything alright, n/n?" Mel asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Mhm. Just- a little bit...weirded out. I-I've never done this before."
"'s alright, n/n. I've got you." The girl said and gave you a reassuring smile.

A few minutes passed of you and Mel just chatting, and then your guy's milkshake arrived.
The lady sat the milkshake down in front of you guys and shot you both a smile before leaving.

Melanie grabbed the shake and took a sip out of the pastel-rainbow-twisty straw that pointed out of the hole at the top of the lid.
"Is it good?" You asked, taking the shake from her and putting the straw to your lips.
"Yeah! It's delicious!" Melanie giggled, licking the whipped cream off of her lips.
You took a sip of the shake and your eyes widened as you immediately went in for another sip, causing you to get whipped cream on the corner of your mouth.
Melanie wasted no time, she immediately leaned in and licked the whipped cream off of your lips, causing you to giggle.
"It tastes so good! Right, n/n?" Melanie asked, hugging your waist a bit tighter.
"Yeah! It's great...!" You replied, taking another huge sip.
Melanie giggled, taking the cup back from you just as you were about to finish your drink, and taking a sip.
"Hey! I was drinking!"
"Nah ah ah...I was!"
"No, me!"
"No, me...!"
You tried going for the shake again, only to have Melanie raise it higher into the air, so high that it was unfortunately out of your reach.
"Mmph...!" You grunted, stretching your arms out as far as they went.
"Nice try, and a cute try too. But, you just can't get it, n/n. Sorryyy..." Melanie said, taking another sip.
You crossed your arms and slouched back against Melanie's shoulder, clearly showing that you were upset.
"Aw...don't look so sad."

The girl sat down the shake (wow, surprising!) and cupped your face in her hands, forcing you to look at her.
She leaned in and gave you a soft kiss on your lips, and after she pulled away, she smiled and began to pepper your face with even more kisses.
You giggled at the feeling of her soft lips being so gently pressed against your skin, and tried to swat her away, which didn't work.
She just moved further down, beginning to kiss your neck.
She peppered your shoulders with kisses, which were bare from the sleeveless dress you were wearing.
After she stopped she looked you dead in the eyes and asked,
"Can't be mad at me now, huh?"
"! I'm still mad!" You lied, crossing your arms again.
"'Cause you won't give me the shake!..."
Melanie chuckled.
"Fine, I guess you can have one sip~..."
She handed you the shake and leaned up against the wall, rolling her eyes jokingly.
You took a sip and then gave Melanie a kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks, babe. In fact, I think you're actually sweeter than the shake!"



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