Metkayina Clan

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Reader's POV: 

Life changed for the Sully family. Having a new member apart of them, leaving their clan, and now going to a clan they knew nothing about. Jake devoted to himself, saying he would protect his family even if it meant killing for them. Who knew he was going to keep them safe. If something or someone tried to hurt his family they would have to get through him...

Brooke's POV: 

Life changes before you know it. Me now living amongst the Na'vi and the Sully family. The Sully family are now leaving their home, due to my uncle having his knife against their throats. I'm still wondering why they even took me in. Knowing I had the same blood as Quiartch. That thought still runs through my mind. 

"Brooke? We're fixing to do the ceremony," I turned around to see Neytiri. Her eyes glossed over with tears. I felt bad for her, leaving a home she has grew up in. Now she has to leave that all behind. "Yes mam, I'm on the way," Neytiri smiled, a sad one. I began to fix my hair into a little ponytail like style. Moving my small braids with beads in front. I took a deep breath and walked out the Sully's tent. Neytiri waiting for me outside. "I'm ready," She nodded as we walked side by side to the Spirit tree. 

As we arrived, Jake was already up front with the new leader. We watched as me and Neytiri walked through the isle of people. All the eyes going to us now. I avoided the eye contact, me not like the attention drawn on to myself. Me and Neytiri sat down next to the rest of the sully family as the Ceremony began. Mo'at the grandmother of the Sullys began to take off the leaf vest hanging from Jake's shoulders to the new leader. The new leader held up his knife as he began to go done on Jakes chest, making a cut on his chest. Signaling that the old leader has died. Neytiri began to cry softly as Jake came down, his face sad. As Neytiri stood up the rest of us did as well. Kiri and Tuk together in the back Lo'ak and Neteyam, Me and E'lem together. Then Jake and Neytiri side by side as we left the Spirit tree. 

"E'lem!" A girl yelled out as we began to mount Ikran's. "Oh Iva!" E'lem embraced the girl into hug. I watched as the girls hugged and shared some words, feeling a presence beside me. I turned to see Neteyam. "Hi Teyam," I smiled towards the taller male, earning a smile back. I'm not as close with him as I am with Kiri, Tuk and E'lem but we have talked, and he seems to have my energy more. "Dad, Iva has told me she will be coming with us. Her mother and father discussed it, and they think it's safe for her to come with us," Jake nodded, smiling to the girl. "Well grab your Ikran Iva and we will be on our way," The girl nodded as she ran off to get her Ikran. 

"Neytiri?" I asked, walking to her. She turned to me; her eyes red from crying. "Yes dear?" I hugged her, knowing she needed it. She was surprised at first and then hugged me back. "Just wanted to give you a hug before we take off. I know leaving your home is heartbreaking. Leaving the things you known to love and cherish, being left behind. But all I know is that this new place will become your new home and you will find new things to love and cherish there. Eywa has this planned out and she knows what she is doing, just let the small things fall into place," Neytiri smiled, hugging me once more. "You have a way with words dear, cherish that. Having this gift will do a lot for you in the future," I smiled pulling away from our hug. "Thanks Neytiri. I better get back to Neteyam before he leaves me," I chuckled, earning one from Neytiri as well. "See you soon dear," I nodded. "Yes mam, see you soon," She smiled as I walked back to Neteyam and his Ikran. 

"Hello Brooke," I was greeted by the Yellow eyed boy. I smiled. "Hey!" He smiled leaning a hand down to help me up on the Ikran, I gave him a thank you as we waited for Iva and Jake to mount theirs. Not long after we took off and headed for the Metkayina Clan's home, hoping they will accept us...

Reader's POV: 

The Sully family along with Brooke had flown through many hours to get to Metkayina clan. Tuk asking every other hour if they made it or not. Jake directing them through it all. Lo'ak and Kiri constantly argued about stupid things. E'lem and Iva would laugh and talk about things. Having a good time as they flew. Meanwhile with Brooke and Neteyam, they talked the whole time flying, getting to know each other better. Brooke either would be asleep on Neteyam's back or they either were talking. Neytiri stayed quiet throughout the trip, only spoken when Tuk asked a question. But overall, the Sully's finally made it to their new home...

Brooke's POV: 

Neteyam landed his Ikran on the shore of the ocean. I jolted awake feeling him move sightly. "Were here," He smiled as he jumped down from his Ikran. Helping me a long the way. I looked around at the beautiful scenery. The ocean just as I described it, along with the people.  Tuk walked up curiously to the clan. "Hey, Leave it," He spoke to his wife calmly. She sighed and put it back calling for Tuk. Who gladly ran to her mother. "On me," Jake said again, as the rest of us followed him. "Be nice," He turned around to look at Lo'ak who rolled his eyes as the Metkayina Clan began to yip and come closer to us. Jake held his arms up in a sign of he means no harm. 

I looked towards Neteyam and looked back at me. I shook my head and waited for Jake to speak. Looking around, I saw two boys emerge from the crowed of people. One having braids leading to a bun, and the other with really puffy hair. Neteyam and Lo'ak look towards them doing the 'I see you' sign me following in their steps. "Easy. Just be cool," He told us. The guys began to circle us until they were facing our backs. "Look. What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?" The boy with the fluffy hair mocked as me and Kiri scuffed at the same time. They all laughed as Neteyam seem agitated and Lo'ak seemed unfazed looking towards the water.

I followed his gaze to meet a very pretty Na'vi girl, with long black wavy hair. I also noticed her second lines to her eyes. I thought it was a pretty cool thing. I looked back to Lo'ak to see him with a light pink blush on his cheeks. Neytiri must have saw it took because she smiled and look back towards Jake. I giggled, coving my mouth. "Its to small how are they supposed to swim?" The boys mocked again as the girl came up and slapped them both on the hands. "Do not Rotxo, Ao'nung," She warned. 

The two back off leaving us alone, thank the fucking lord. I was tired of their behaver. "Hey," Lo'ak  spoke motioning to the girl. She chuckled and looked down to her feet. Me and Neteyam looked at each other, I wiggled my eyebrows which I earned a chuckle from him. Soon after people on Skimwings came into the shallow water. Me knowing straight away it was the Leader Tonowari. He flew above us, as he landed in the water once again.  Sliding off his Skimwing and approaching the whole circle of people. Jake done the 'I see you' sign once again everyone following in his gesture. 

"I see you Tonowari," Jakes gestured, we all done the same. Then all of a sudden, a pregnant woman emerged from the crowd. "I see you, Ronal," Jake once again done the gesture. We all followed. After that I didn't pay much attention until Ronal came to me and Neteyam. I raised a brow. She grabbed my hand without warning and looked at them. "These children aren't even true Na'vi!" A low growl escaped my lips looking into the woman's eyes.  "Get your hands off me. You had no permission touching me Mrs. Ronal," I hissed at her. Her nose scrunched up and she turned away and went back to her husband's side. I scuffed, not paying any more attention to this conversation. I only calmed down when Neteyam wrapped his tail around my calf calmly. 

"Toruk Makto and his family will be staying here. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. Help them learn so they do not feel the need to be hopeless, My daughter Tsireya and son Ao'nung will teach their children and show them our village," The leader announced. I smiled, feeling relief wash over me. "But father," Ao'nung was cut off by his father. "It has been decided," Then he and his wife walked off and so did many of the clan. "Come let me show you our home," 

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading! I hoped y'all enjoy! Sorry for the long wait I had to deal with school but luckily I'm fixing to be out for summer so I will be able to do a lot more chapters. Bye lovely's!!!

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