A Heart to Heart

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Reader's POV:

"Brooke! You need to run, get out of here! They are coming, hurry get to safety," A tall female spoke to Brooke, her long black hair blowing in the wind. Flames and ash all in the air, a boat in the distant slowly sinking to the bottom of the Metkayina ocean. "No! I won't leave Neteyam! He's hurt!" Brooke protested back against the unknown woman. Brooke began to cry as she held her beloved in her arms. Holding his lifeless body. Tears falling from her cheeks to Neteyam's cold body. "Brooke, Listen if you don't leave you will also get hurt. Hurry get him and you to safety. Now!" Brooke chocked on a sob as she nodded and struggled to get Neteyam up, soon yells of war cries we're heard and before Brooke knew it, her vison went black.

Brooke sat up quicker than lighting, gasping for air as tears and beads of sweat dripped down her face. She was hyperventilating and couldn't catch her breath. She looked around only to find out everyone was still asleep. Brooke got up and walked outside. Walking down the paths of the home of the sea people. Finally she made it to the beach and sat down on the peachy sand. Watching the waves crash on to the cool sand. "Brooke?" Brooke jumped startled and looked up to see her called her name. It was Neteyam. He sat down next to her putting his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? You have tears," He asked wiping them away, Brooke nodded. Looking back to the sea. "Yeah, just a bad dream," Neteyam nodded, "Want to talk about it?" He asked, looking at the shorter girl. "Yeah, I would actually. I need to get it off my chest," Neteyam nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him. "Well, I'm all ears,"

Brooke took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, this is how it started. Me and you and this random woman. I have to clue who it was I couldn't see her face. But her voice was so familiar to me. Anway, there was flame and ashes everywhere and a boat sinking into the sea. You and me are with this random women on this rock. For some reason you were in my arms lifeless and the woman was telling me to leave and get you and me to safety. Well I listen after a bit, I tried carrying you and before I could get in the water. I heard war cries and once I turned my head around everything went black and now here I am," Neteyam looked taken aback about this, knowing he was also in this dream.

"Well, just sounds to be like a nightmare. It must not mean anything, But if it happens again. I would let my mother know," Brooke nodded, leaning her head on Neteyam's shoulder. "Thanks, Teyam. That made me feel better," She smiled, making herself comfortable. "My pleaser, love," Brooke blushed, after Neteyam said that. Feeling this made her feel werid. Her heart rate would pick up whenever she is with him. She would get a weird shock feeling every time he touched her. But she liked the feeling as well.

She smiled nonetheless. Feeling warmth flow through her body. "Lets get back to the hut. Get some sleep so the leaders kids can teach us something's Tomorrow," Brooke nodded, sleep taking over her slowly. They both got up and begin the journey to the hut. Once they made it, Neteyam told Brooke goodnight and headed to his sleeping mat. Leaving Brooke to hers. As soon as her head hit the pillow, sleep consumed her and she fell in a dreamless sleep.

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Brooke's POV:

The sun beamed though the door of the hut, waking me up. I sat up with a yawn and looked around the hut to see everyone still asleep. I shrugged it off and took it as an opportunity to go sit outside the hut until everyone woke up. I breathed in the morning air as the wind blew through my hair. Some of it brushing my face slightly. I smiled, feeling this brought me even more joy to staying in Pandora. But after that dream I had last night, I had an uneasy feeling that something bad was coming and it wasn't going to be pretty. But I brushed it off and enjoyed the beautiful morning before me.

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