Epilogue Part 2/2

436 8 3

" " talking.
Urizen(Y/N) talking or yelling.
* * thinking.
Y/N: Your name.
F/N: Fake name.
A/N: Author Note.


Previously in The King Of Devils:

Issei:"Why are we doing this? I think he can take care of it very well, maybe Akeno could've have come with you instead of me...man...I could have been enjoying my time with Rias..."


Issei:"My name is Issei Hyoudou! AND I AM THE HAREM KING!"


V:"Don't underestimate this demon, he is far stronger than ever...I do no belive he can take care of him alone, even with those two other woman's...after all...it was he who too draig from you."




F/N:"I have plans for the three of them..."



Now to the chapter.
A few weeks ago . . .
May 01 AM: 11:30.
Y/N pov:

I was walking in a alley with nothing to loose...I was a walking dead man...my flesh crumbling and falling apart...my last hope was to get the red dragon and his eye...

Soon I arrived at an academy...I could feel a immense strength on it, a fight was going...but that wouldn't stop me...even with my flesh.

Soon I entered the school and filled the magic being released util I reached the ginasium seeing a devil and a red haired girl and other people...but no one pulled my interest I just kept looking around util I saw him...Issei Hyoudou and at his arm was...Draig...my last hope.

my last hope

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