Chapter 3: Masterpiece.

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" " talking.
Urizen(Y/N) talking or yelling.
* * thinking.
Y/N: Your name.
F/N: Fake name.
A/N: Author Note.

Previously on King Of Devils:

Y/N:"Dante! MOM!"
Dante:"So...are we just gonna kill each other or?"
Y/N:"You got that right."
A few days after epilogue.
May 19th 06:40 AM.
No one's pov:

It's been 3 days after Qliphoth appearance on the surface, the battle of human kind lost and the corruption of the Legendary Demon Hunter Dante.

We see Sirzechs, Rias with her Peerage together with Issei. Sirzechs was talking  to a woman in her likely 26, soon the man looks to Rias and Issei and waves at them. The boy and the girl goes towards her brother and the woman looking a little puzzler why they were here to begin with.

Sirzechs:"Rias. This is Nico, she will be helping you and your Peerage on battleground."

Artisan of Arms.

Rias:"Is she a devil or something? I don't think she can even fight-"

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Rias:"Is she a devil or something? I don't think she can even fight-"

Rias got a comical punch in the head upside down making her face fall to the ground instantly by the girl named Nico. Her whole Peerage shiver and yell "president" or "Rias" in worrisome.

Nico:"I know how to fight you red head, I'm not just looks. GOT IT?!"

Rias just nodded her head being scolded, while Issei was going to protect her but ended up the same way in his knees.

Issei:"I-I'm sorry..."

Sirzechs:"I'm sure now you've seen what she is capable of little sister, but no, she ain't no Devil, she is a human, she will provide you support with technology's and give Issei a arm."

Issei jumped to his feet looking at Sirzechs with sparkles in his eyes.

Issei:"You mean I will get my arm back?!"

A sweat broke down on Sirzches forehead while Rias just sighed and Nico laughed.

Rias:"I think he meant as replacing your lost arm, but how exactly?"

Before Sirzches could reply Nico pushed his face to the side with stars around her.

Nico:"A robotic arm! I made one right here right now for test! Want to be the little experiment?"

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