🏳️‍🌈Chapter 1 ●Is this love?●

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...Its has been just a normal day at school so far, emu sneaking into the school nene being quiet but talking sometimes, and tsukasa is just acting like he always does speaking loudly, talking about his sister and how he will become a star someday. But lately, I have been feeling different around him at all times, especially when we are close to each other. Misuki keeps telling me that I might be falling in love with him... and for some reason, I feel like they might be correct. It has been a while since I came out as gay but only nene, Mizuki, and my mother know about this. Of course, they all support me, and I am glad they do! Ever since tsukasa and I have been hanging out, I have gotten nervous around him, and I don't know if it is romantic feelings towards him. Is this love?... I think I should talk to Mizuki more to see if they can help with this feeling that I have gotten... He probably doesn't like me back, tho. tsukasa doesn't even like guys, but Im sure he is straight, and it just hurts to think of him rejecting me... I'll just figure out something later, I have to finish the maintenance for robo-nene. We don't have any activities for shows or for practice today at all, so it will be a nice catch-up. For now, I'll just have to suffer the rest of the remaining school day...

RUI! Nene screamed at me. Have I been zoning out this entire time?
Finally, you respond. Nene said as she looked a little embarrassed, I mean, she did just scream on the rooftop while other people were here too.
What happened, nene? Wait, was I zoned out? I asked
Yes, we tried saying your name multiple times! Nene said she looked kind of mad, but I can't really blame her
I apologized to her, and she was ok with it, but we only had about 10 minutes left of lunch break, and Emu would have to go in a little while as well. Was I zoned out for 25 minutes?! Oh dang, I can't believe I was in space for so long they must have been worried fufu.
After that, we just continued talking about shows and whatnot.
It was time to go to our next classes. I had English next period along with tsukasa. I was pretty good at English before I even chose the class. I just wanted to get an easy A for my report since I was trash in pretty much everything else. English class would be so boring if tsukasa wasn't there with me, we would pass notes since we sat next to each other in class. It was the only thing that could keep me from losing my mind since the teacher was so doggone mean :( She would yell at me for no freaking reason! I guess she just doesn't like me because she is not that strict with others, and I have no idea why since I'm one of the best scorers in the class. After that hell hour was done I just had to go to my math class science and robotics class thought I will probably end up sleeping on the desk again since I didn't really sleep last night because I was working on robo- nene new features...

School was finally over so I could go to my house and start working on robo-nene, but something has been bugging me the entire day... I can't seem to get tsukasa out of my mind... I keep thinking about how cute his face looks and how innocent and energetic he is. He seems like the type to actually make the best person anyone could ask for... WHAT AM I THINKING? What am I supposed to do if I can't stop thinking about him? He is so cute and handsome it just makes me blush while I'm thinking of him...
Maybe I should take a break sometime and just relax for once... Well, I already started working on robo-nene, so why not finish and stay up till 4 am again... Yes, that's what I'm going to do now. at least tomorrow we have practice so I won't be in my room working on robo-nene the entire day...
725 WORDS not bad for the first chapter! Anyways, bye 👋

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