💜🧡🏳️‍🌈✌️Chapter 23 ●Mall Date●<emunene and ruikasa>

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Sup bbg. Finally a Emu POV chapter after so long 💀 I'm so fuking tired of life rn. FINALLY MY FINALS ARE DONE AND I FEEL LIKE I FAILED EVERY SINGLE ONE. Anyways enjoy. My schedule will provably still be messed up but I'll try to fix it! Love y'all. If u guys have any requests I'm more than happy to answer your prayers.

N-"We are here homos wake the fuck up"

E-"Nene! Try not to cuss that much!"

N-"Oh- Sorry Baby..."

E-"It's ok! They are waking up now anyways."

I looked over at Rui and Tsukasa who were asleep on the back of the car. Nene and I were cuddling the entire ride and didn't realise they had fallen asleep... Good for them I guess.

R-"Hmm? Oh. Hi guys. *yawn* are we here already?"

N-"We sure are! Now wake up your fu- I mean you boyfriend cause we gotta go."

R-"Oh! Right I'll wake him up. "

E-"Oki doki! We will wait outside for you guys! "


As soon as he said that I grabbed Nene by the wrist and pulled her out of the car with me.

E-"So... what about the special secret party we are hosting for Rui? Do you have any information? His birthday is super soon! "

N-"I already asked An and Mizuki about all the details. I'll create a chat where we can text with everyone. Does that help?"

E-"Yeah! I'm just hoping Tsukasa doesn't ruin the surprise tho. He always spoils the surprises we do."

N-"For real tho! Anyway do you have a list on things to get for the party? I already asked his mother to bake the sweets. She has been staying in her shop for two days just to surprise him."

E-"Oh right Mrs Kamishiro is back! So we got that handled but what about the presents? What do we get him? I feel like he already has a lot of robot parts so scratch that."

N-"Hmm your right. He will probably like anything we give him to be honest with you. He has always liked everything he is given. I don't think he really cares."

E-"Oh, alright!"

We kept talking for a little while until we hear foot steps of Tsukasa and Rui. We quickly changed the topic so Rui wouldn't find out about our secret party for him. We have been planning this party for a long time now and it would suck if he found out.

R-"Hey girls! We are ready. Where do y'all want to go first?"

N-"... Maybe we could go to the clothing store? We are just here to buy whatever we want to so it's really up to you guys."

T-"Hmm... I guess your right. Whatever do you guys want to go? We can go to the clothing store like Nene suggested. How about that?"

E-"I'm ok with it! We can get super cute and adorable matching outfits Nene Chan!"

N-"Maybe we can Emu. *giggle* "

R-"Alright! After you guys!"

And like that we started to walk towards the clothing store. Maybe I can get his birthday present over there! I still haven't given him anything... I'll see what I can think of! We have all day after all!

T-"Rui! Isn't this super cute?! It's matching couple shirts! Can we get one pleaseeeeeee????? "


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