Ocean of Sirens

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Pearl and Crystal

Crystal and Pearl drove off through a small town on the coast. Pearl held a map in her hands as Crystal drove towards the direction of where Pearl was directing her to where the Lust base was located when a crowd of people walked in front of them. "What are those people doing?" Pearl asked. Crystal looked at where the people were walking and realised they were all walking straight into the ocean. "They are being compelled to walk into the ocean by something." She explained. 

Pearl looked at where Crystal was and noticed the same thing. People were jumping into the ocean and not coming up. "Wait do you hear that? It sounds like... singing?" She asked. Crystal focused and heard the sound Pearl was mentioning. "It does sound like singing but not like a typical song but more like an enchantment. It sounds like the singing is what is causing these people to sink into the ocean." Crystal claimed. She looked over to where Pearl was sitting and found the door open with her walking towards the ocean. 

Crystal climbed out of the car and ran towards Pearl, covering her ears. "Pearl, cover your ears! The singing is drawing you to the ocean!" She called. Crystal grabbed one of Pearl's hands and brought her to her senses. "W-What happened? One second, I was sitting in the car and next second I was walking towards the ocean aimlessly." Pearl asked. "I think someone is in the ocean using their voice to call in people and drown them. I suspect they might have a psionic and water duo talent. Maybe that's why I wasn't affected, because I have a water talent." Crystal reasoned. 

She looked over to the water and saw a faint shape in the water with lavender hair and glowing pink eyes. "Pearl in the water over there. Someone is in the water singing, which is causing these people to walk into the ocean. If I can get you close to them than you might be able to shut them out." She suggested. Pearl nodded and they both sprinted towards the figure in the water before they noticed the singing getting louder. "There are more of them. I can't deal with that many without having to cause a psionic break. Problem with that is that it will probably send me into a vision." Pearl said. 

Crystal nodded and focused on the ocean, calling it to her and bringing the singers to them. "Get ready Pearl! The moment this wave hits us all of those singers will be at full volume, and I don't know if I can hold that many off while maintaining the water in its shape!" She called. Pearl nodded and closed her eyes and focused on all the psionic energy she could muster. The wave hit them and Crystal noticed that all of the singers were girls, all with the same hair and eyes. "We are the sirens of Lust. All those who hear our song respond to our beckoned call. Except for you. The girl who has no love, you will not listen to our song." The sirens claimed. Crystal lost her focus for a second but regained as the sirens began to circle her. 

Bubbles began to surround her as the sirens giggled around her when there was a loud snap behind her as the sirens started to wail in pain. "What is this!? Something is in our heads! What did you do!?" The sirens wailed. Crystal washed the sirens away and floated towards Pearl who was completely limp in the water. Crystal made the water wash back to the ocean and picked up Pearl, bringing the water out of her lungs. "Come on Pearl wake up. The sirens might not stay back for long." She said. 

Pearl stirred and then coughed before leaning herself on Crystal. "I have only ever done one psionic break before this, but this time was worse because of the visions." Said Pearl. Crystal didn't want to prod Pearl for the info on the visions so instead she just helped her to the car and drove off. "Please tell me that the Lust base is FAR away from the ocean." She said. "Sadly no. Steven told me that Sloth revolves around water but apparently Lust also has a group that has the most control in the water." Pearl claimed. 

Crystal wasn't happy to hear that, she exactly wasn't happy with how the sirens had claimed that she had no love whatsoever. The water was where she was strongest, but it was also where the sirens were strongest. "I don't like those sirens. When we get to the Lust base, I can tell there will be water nearby it and thus the sirens. I want to deal with them myself." She said. 

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