Twin Berserkers

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Arthur and Nora

With their plan in motion, Arthur and Nora marched into a large open field. "Are you sure that he'll show up here? I mean, we've spread rumours about all of his misdeeds but are you entirely sure that he WILL show up." Nora asked. "Oh he will show up, because if he doesn't, then..." Arthur gestured with his hand behind him where Charlie walked up with Crystal tied up. "She will suffer the consequences." Arthur claimed. "Speak for yourself old man, she nearly drowned half the men you assigned me to capture her without batting an eye." Charlie declared. 

Arthur waved a hand while Nora walked up to Charlie and grabbed Crystal off of him, binding her in light. "So, you set up an insurance policy to make sure Steven shows up by having my son, without my knowledge kidnap his sister. Either you're a genius or a damn fool Arthur." Nora said. Arthur glared at Nora, before turning to Charlie and handing him a small armband, fitted with a charge stone. "There's your reward Charlie, use it wisely. You already have the ability to destroy everything but that will amplify that destructive power to its absolute maximum. Before you were simply the gravity master, well... before Blake managed to gain access to your abilities, but now you will be a singularity. Nothing, nothing at all will be able to stop you, not even yourself." Arthur claimed. 

Steven and Finn

Steven was furious. When the letter came to him that he had to go to the specified destination, or he would never see Crystal again. "Arthur, you rat bastard. When I get my hands on you, I will rend your head from your shoulders." He furiously thought. Finn sat next to him, clicking his fingers, flinging sparks from the tips with each click. "I don't care how much fire it takes; I'm going to burn Arthur to the ground until he is ashes for the worms." Finn angrily declared. "No. He's mine. He won't be affected by your fire, so leave him to me." Steven ordered. They arrived at the designated area and climbed out of the car, their anger spiraling around them in the form of their talents. 

Steven, Finn, Arthur, Nora and Charlie

Lightning and fire surged around Steven and Finn as they stomped their way towards Arthur and Charlie, Nora standing nearby with a now awake Crystal in golden chains of light. "That was an asshole of a thing for you to do Arthur. Kidnapping our sister all so you could have your revenge, that you so desire despite the fact it's been over five years. I hope you know that you have incurred a wrath even greater than yours." Steven declared. Nora clapped her hands and walked forward. "Not exactly nice of you to forget about me. Arthur may be your main target, but you should still show some respect to his superior." She claimed. 

Steven's gaze travelled towards Nora, a smug look on her face. "I've met every single major, living member of the sins, except for you which leaves one person. Pride. You must be Nora, the general of Pride." He said. "So you do know me. Zoe must have finally made some use of herself, even if it wasn't for our cause." Nora said. Finn clenched his fists and snarled. "Listen here lady. You have caused me and my family a lot of distress. You've got a lot of things to answer for." He snarled. 

Nora pursed her lips and pointed a finger at Finn. "You know, Charlie doesn't want to hurt you or any other members of your family, but he'll do as he's told. No child should disobey their mother after all." She said. Arthur made his boredom evident by charging at Steven. Steven threw his arm in front of him as Arthur collided with him, pushing him back with a blast of lightning. "Alright that's it, you want a piece of me bitch!? Come and fuckin get it!" Steven yelled. He looked over at Finn and the two of them nodded in sync. 

They inhaled, concentrated and a surge of searing, shocking heat as they entered their charged, berserk forms. Their eyes glowed bright red, as Steven's body glowed with crackling red lightning and Finn's radiated with searing heat with smoke pluming from his left arm. "Alright, you have till the count of three to return our sister or else." They threatened. Arthur smirked and cracked his knuckles, embers flying off of them. "Alright then. Let's see what you two can do when you work together." He mocked. 

Arthur coated himself in scales as Steven and Finn charged him. Arthur blasted waves of fire towards his attackers, but Finn swatted them aside like they were nothing. Steven went low while Finn went high. Lightning surged upwards towards Arthur while fire rained down upon him. "The twin berserkers are in perfect sync. Arthur doesn't stand a chance against them at full power." Charlie thought. As if reading his thoughts Nora turned to Charlie and said, "Go help him. He'll die if he doesn't get any help." 

Charlie nodded to her and rushed in, turning on his gravity field as he did. Finn diverted his attention to Charlie, vanishing in a puff of smoke and reappearing behind him. "You promised you wouldn't attack us. Now look at you, a lap dog for the sins all because your mother is the one in charge." He said. Blue and red fire poured from Finn as he spun around Charlie, knocking him around. Steven was tearing into Arthur, fueling his strength with anger. 

Fire and lightning flashed through the air as Steven and Finn battled their opponents. "Alright I've had enough! Let's test this thing out!" Charlie yelled. He flowed his psionic and dark talent into the charge stone on his wrist. Purple light surrounded him, forming swirls across his body. Only the whites of his eyes were showing as purple swirls covered his body. A grim smile grew across his face as he flexed his hands and formed a black hole in his palm. Finn slammed a blazing fist into Charlie's chest and kicked his feet out from under him. 

Charlie warped himself out of Finn's range and slammed a fist into the ground, cracking it. He levitated some of the cracked chunks of earth and flung them towards Finn with increasing force. "You know, I thought that you would at least keep your word when you said you wouldn't assist in the antics the sins planned for my family, which includes my brother and sister, not just my wife and children. It seems though that like the rest of your family, you're nothing but a liar." Finn declared. Charlie rushed him with a fist raised, his gravity field increasing the weight of it. Finn shifted into smoke and moved himself behind Charlie. 

Charlie slammed his fist into the ground, a black hole forming where he struck. "Stand still. I don't want to do this, but I have to! Trust me, if given the choice between fighting me or my mother, you'd rather want to fight me!" He claimed. Finn flew up above Charlie and slammed him into the ground with a flaming kick. Charlie formed a black hole around himself and shot it upwards, warping away from where Finn had struck him. Finn appeared behind Charlie and thrust his hand through his back. "Bastard! GET! OFF! ME!" Charlie shouted. He shot the two of them into the air and began to summon more black holes around himself to try and shake Finn off. 

Steven had taken chunks of scale and flesh out of Arthur and had managed to rip one of his arms off and blind him in one eye. "Alright boy, I'll admit, you have gotten stronger, but I won't let you beat me. I'm a soldier, and I need blood from you and your entire family to pay for what you did to Cassandra all those years ago." Arthur admitted. Steven stabbed a spear of lightning into Arthur's leg and stabbed him in the gut with a claw. Lightning blasted through Arthur and Steven kicked him off his arm. 

Finn dropped from the sky as Charlie crushed his left arm in his palm. Steven ran over to him and caught him. Steven placed Finn down and rushed towards Nora, spear in hand. "Oh no you don't!" Charlie yelled. He launched a black hole at Steven who launched himself into the air and was caught by Finn and fired off at high speeds. Nora charged a large ball of light with a spear in it and pointed it it Steven. "Sorry, but either play along or you fucking die." She claimed. She shot the orb at Steven, piercing him through the stomach. Steven fell to the ground, blood flowing from his stomach for a moment before his healing kicked in and patched the wound. 

He brought himself to his feet and charged Nora at full speed. He tore a gash in both of her legs and her side before breaking the light chains and grabbing Crystal, ungagging her mouth. "You okay Kris?" He asked. After a moment to breathe, Crystal answered, "Better now thanks to you and Finn." Charlie crashed into the ground, spawning a black hole where he struck and forming a large crater in the ground. Steven placed Crystal on the ground and braced himself, Finn dropping down from overhead and joining the two of them. Nora ran over to where Charlie was, and Arthur hobbled his way towards them. 

The triplets stood face to face with three very dangerous opponents. Crystal grabbed her earing and flowed water into the charge stone. She exhaled and looked down across her body, noticing blue lines across herself and the sudden feeling like she was underwater. She waved her hand around and noticed the tips of her fingers turning into water. "Alright, let's see how this goes." She thought. "Alright, NOW I'm pissed. Every time I've tried to take my revenge you have foiled my attempts and I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Arthur shouted. The triplets cracked their knuckles and rolled their shoulders, before they braced themselves. 

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