Sunflower Saplings

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Finn and Lily

Finn woke to the sound of Lily grunting in pain. It had been seven months since Lily told Finn they were going to be parents, two months into her pregnancy. He quickly jumped out of bed and began to gather everything they needed for the hospital. "I don't know if it's time yet Finn. There might still be a couple of days left." Lily said. "Better safe than sorry. Besides, I've got a feeling that todays the day." Finn said. He packed the last few things then quickly dressed himself, before grabbing a wheelchair and helping Lily into it. 

It was the crack of dawn, Finn noticed when he drove outside, with Lily in the backseat. He rolled them out of the driveway and started towards the hospital. He opened his phone and dialed Steven. The phone rang for a few seconds before Steven picked up. "Finn, its five in the morning, this better be an emergency." Steven complained. "Yeah, you could say it is. Meet us at the hospital, todays the day." Finn explained. There was silence for a second before Steven responded. "Let me wake the others and then I'll head your way. " He said. Finn hung up the phone as they approached the hospital. 

He parked them in a convenient spot and climbed out of the car to grab the wheelchair. He unfolded it and helped Lily out of the car and into it. "Are you ready?" He asked. "No. Finn what if something goes wrong?" Lily asked, worry in her voice. "Nothing will go wrong okay." Finn reassured her. He wheeled her into the hospital and up to the front desk. "We've got a private room reserved for the two of us." Finn explained. "Last name?" The lady at the front desk asked. "Dusk." Finn answered. The lady typed up the name onto her computer and pursed her lips for a few seconds before replying, "We don't see any reservations under that last name."

Finn blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry what. You're telling me, that even though we made this reservation a month ago and explicitly told the person we spoke to, to make sure that it stays there for another month in time for our children to be born; there isn't a reservation there." He said. "Seems to be that way. If you want, we can get you a semi-private room." The lady suggested. "Listen to me lady, my husband and I are having twins and we reserved that private room, so either you give it to us, or I swear, all of your plants will wither and die." Lily angrily demanded. "Yes ma'am." The lady fearfully agreed. She quickly typed on her computer, backspacing her mistakes several times, before eventually coming up with a free private room. She gestured to a nearby nurse to lead them to the room, who happily agreed. 

The nurse led Finn and Lily to the room, where Finn helped Lily up into the bed, adjusting certain things for her comfort. "I think that lady at the front desk gave us this room because she didn't want to mess with the angry pregnant lady." Finn joked. "I don't know what came over me. I've never gotten that angry at anyone for any reason." Lily claimed. "Another mood swing. Let's hope the others get here soon." Finn said. Lily nodded before gasping in pain. 


Steven drove along, the sun was breaching the horizon as Lazuli and Eveline drifted in-between being awake and asleep. Crystal sat in the backseat next to Eveline with Pearl on her other side. "Do you think the front desk is giving them any trouble?" Crystal asked. "Oh definitely, they always do, even though they have a reservation. Hopefully they see reason or maybe Lily will have a mood swing and yell at them. Lily is scary when she's angry for almost no reason." Steven replied. Crystal made a noise at the back of her throat as her response. Steven noticed that Lazuli was drifting off again and placed his middle finger and thumb against the sides of her eyes, pinching them together. 

Lazuli jumped back in her seat, hitting her head on the rest. "What was that for?" She complained. "You need to at least be awake for when we get to the hospital. Your sister is about to give birth to twins and you're sleeping like it's nothing special." Steven argued. "Thats why I'm sleeping in the car." Lazuli argued. Steven shook his head and drove on in silence, as Lumin Springs came into view. They arrived at the hospital and marched inside. "Got an appointment or visiting someone?" The lady at the desk asked. "Visiting. Finn and Lily Dusk, they would have gotten here earlier." Steven answered. 

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