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Another one of my short kings! Hope ya love cole as much as I do

I look around my new apartment full of boxes and a couch I just bought sitting in the living room and smile happily then my best friend and new roommate willow comes in carrying her last box "thank god for that elevator" she says looking around.

"Right couldn't have done it so fast without it" I reply. "Oh I saw your brother pulling up when I was coming in" she says. "Oh I must've missed his text" I say checking my phone.


On my way over

That I did. A couple minutes later he's buzzing up and she lets him up while I'm putting the kitchen stuff away. "Wheres my sister?" He asks willow. "Kitchen" she answers. "Is that my dorky older brother i hear?" I ask. He chuckles "sure is" he says.

He comes into the kitchen "you grew an inch since I last saw you" he says. I roll my eyes "no I didnt" i reply. "Oh right, you're still 5'1" he says. I shoot him a glare "anyway, what's up?" I ask. "Got any plans tomorrow?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrows "not yet, why?" I answer. "Wanna come to my game?" He asks. "Mmm I guess" i answer. "Hell yeah we'll go" willow says. Her type is athletes. Mine. Well not so much. "Please don't sleep with any of my team mates" he sighs. "Aww no fun" she replies with a frown.

Nick looks at her and shakes his head "just for your sake" he says. "Cock block much" she says putting the plates away. He shakes his head again and looks back at me "I know I can trust you to not sleep with any of them" he says. "Yeah I'm definitely not sleeping with any of them so don't worry" I reply.

We finish putting all the dishes away and the kitchens complete just an hour after nick got here. "I can order pizza" he says going on his phone. "Uh sure why not" I reply sitting down on the couch. "I'll be putting my stuff away" willow says going to her room.

"Sooo when are you telling her you like her?" I ask him. "What?" He asks. I smirk "I see how you look at her nick" I answer. He looks down at his lap "oh" he says. I smirk "you know her type is athletes go for it" I tell him.

After admitting he does like my best friend we move on and he orders the pizza. Before it gets here willows coming out of her room "uh I don't have anything cute to wear to the game" she says. "I'll get you a Jersey" nick tells her. "Oh thank you" she says looking at him.

I smirk to myself knowing he's getting her a Suzuki Jersey. I already have one so I don't have to worry about what I'm wearing to the game. Despite having one I've only been to a couple games and didn't pay much attention to it. But i'm going to this time.

The pizza gets here and we pig out for a bit before getting back to unpacking. Around midnight nick leaves and willow looks over at me when he's gone. "I'm sorry but he's so hot" she says. I shiver in disgust "gross" I reply.

Since I have to get up early for the school tour I go to bed a few minutes later. The tour goes by and it made me excited to be in nursing school but I don't start for another few days.

Now that I'm home and I've had lunch I decide to put all my clothes away while taylor swift plays through my speaker. "Elle! Where are you?" Willow shouts. "My closet!" I answer shouting over the music. She pops her head in "your brother came and dropped the Jersey off" she says holding it up.

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