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Ehehehe hope ya enjoy!


Elle's POV

Cole comes into my room and closes the door. I exit out of tiktok and close my phone "hi" I say awkwardly. "Arber knows now by the way" he says coming closer. "Cole what the fuck whyd you tell him?" I ask annoyed.

He rolls his eyes and takes his pants off then his shirt. "So he knows you're unavailable" he answers getting into the bed. "It only happened a couple times with him" I reply. His jaw tightens "can we not talk about him? He looks at you like he wants you" he replies.

I scoff and look at him "you look at me like that too Cole but your look is different" I respond and turn onto my side facing away from him. He shuts the lamp off and lays behind me. "I'm sorry for getting jealous I know you're not my girlfriend so I dont have the right to be" he whispers.

After I ignore him for a full minute he pulls me close "please say something" he whispers. I turn my head "whatever happened between arber and I it's done, just worry about us" I reply. He nods and leaves a kiss on my neck "ok baby" he whispers.

My heart thumps and I try not to smile "good night cole" I whisper. "Can I get a kiss first?" He asks. I giggle and turn my head around "sure" I whisper.

He smiles and leans in kissing me gently then rests his forehead on mine "good night" he whispers. I look at him and smile then turn around closing my eyes. He pulls me closer if that was even possible and he leaves a couple kisses on my neck.

We fall asleep just like that and in the morning I feel his arm around me still "good morning" he mumbles. "Good morning" I reply. He moves his hips and I can feel his morning wood. "Sorry I can't help it" he whispers. "That's ok cole" I reply.

"Can we?" He asks. "We've gotta be quiet" I reply. "We? You mean you" he replies with a smirk. "Cole don't even, we've gotta be quick too" I tell him. He nods and stays laying behind me and he takes my shorts off.

I hear a package being opened then a minute later I feel him enter from behind. He lifts my leg up and starts thrusting hard. I lean my head back "that feels good" I whimper quietly. He nods with a smirk "so tight baby" he whispers.

Once we've both finished he gets rid of the condom then comes back and spoons me. "We shouldn't stay in here too long" I tell him. He nods and before he can say anything theres a knock on my bedroom door.

Cole quickly grabs his shirt from last night and he puts it on and sits beside me. "Come in" I say loud enough. The door opens and willow pops her head in "I made breakfast before the guys leave for practice" she says. "That's awesome thank you" cole replies.

She looks between us then nods slowly "ah ha you're welcome" she says then leaves closing my door again. "Shes gotta know" I say anxious. "She doesn't know she can't know" he says. "It's ok I'll just deny it" I say getting up.

He puts his pants back on and I change into my clothes for the day. "I'm still sorry for telling arber" he says. I sigh "just don't tell anyone else what's going on between us" I reply and kiss his cheek before leaving my room.

They all look at me when I come out "good morning" willow greets. "Morning" I reply rubbing my eyes tiredly. "Hello sleeping beauty" arber teases. "arb-" nick starts to say. "Nick shut up please" I stop him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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