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I adjust my self before exiting the stall "that was nice we should do that again" he says looking at me. "Maybe" I shrug. "Can I at least have your number?" He asks. "Mmm no" I answer then split off from cole.

"Elle there you are!" Nick says coming over with a beer in his hand just a couple minutes later. "Hey just had to use the bathroom" I lie. He nods "great come with me to meet my teammates" he says draping his arm over my shoulder.

I sigh "Oh fun" I reply sarcastically. He chuckles "at least be friends with them" he says. "Fine" i reply. We get to the booth and I look around at the guys there, cole being on the edge of one side. Well shit.

My mouth goes dry and my heart thumps. I just had sex with one of my brothers teammates in the bathroom of a club. "Guys this is my sister elle, her friend willow is around here somewhere" nick says introducing me. "H-hi it's nice to meet you all" I say clearing my throat and looking away from cole.

Nick introduces his new teammates and I black out until he gets to cole. "And this is cole caufield" he says. Cole looks at me with a slight smirk "hey you said her names elle right?" He asks. "Yes" nick answers. "Nice to meet you elle" cole says looking me in the eyes.

Crap. "You too" I reply. "Anyone down for shots?" I ask looking around. A few seconds later willow pops up "shots?" She asks. "Yes! There you are, where have you been?" I ask glaring into her soul. "Oh I was smoking a joint with a guy in the smoke pit" she answers.

Of course she was. "Oh guys this is willow! My sisters best friend" nick introduces. Willow looks around and waves at them all "nice to meet you all, you'll probably be seeing us a lot" she says. "Yeah?" Cole asks. "Yeah we just moved here" willow answers.

"Elle is going to be a nurse" nick says proudly. "Woah that's awesome" cole says looking at me. The bottle girl comes by with a bottle of tequila and enough shot glasses for everyone here. "Thank you" I thank her and she smiles before walking away. I pour us all shots and we continue drinking the night away.

Willow and I go back to dancing and I look over at the booth. "Uh something happened" I tell her. "What?" She asks. "I uh had sex with someone I shouldn't have" I answer. "Who?" She asks. "Cole" I answer looking over at cole again. This time he catches me looking.

She gasps "oh shit dude you're in trouble he is fine" she says. I sigh "and he's got a good dick" I say just so she can hear. "Trouble" she says. "I know" I groan. This isn't good. This really isn't good.

*Cole's point of view*

From the booth I spot the girl from earlier that was wearing the Suzuki Jersey but she's now wearing a knee length dress with heels on. Since I've had a shot and a beer since being here I confidently go over and start dancing with her.

My teammates are all around the club doing their own things so they have no idea what's going on. Which could be a good thing I know they'd be teasing me about it later if they saw me dancing with this extremely beautiful girl.

"Hey beautiful" I whisper in her ear. She leans back looking at me "hi" she whispers. "You here with anyone?" I ask. "My best friend is here somewhere and my brother should also be here somewhere" she answers. A brother.

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