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Pre-writing is probably my favourite thing ever hehe enjoy!

My backs against my sheets as I lay down and feel Cole's lips move down my body. "How long are you teasing for?" I ask looking at him. He smirks looking up at me as he's between my thighs and the dress i was wearing lays on the floor.

"However long I think you deserve" he answers. "How rude" I reply. He chuckles and kisses each thigh "I could stop where I'm at now" he says with a smirk. "Well don't" I pout. This must be the alcohol.

Seconds later I feel his thumb massaging my clit then his finger slip in. My hips buck up "oh fuck" I moan out. Minutes later his fingers are soaked and I'm breathing heavily. "You good?" He asks after cleaning his fingers. I nod "y-yeah" I answer. He sees a bottle of water on my night stand "here" he says handing me it.

I sit up and take a few sips "thanks" I mumble. "Do you have protection? We used the one I had" he asks. "Night stand" I answer. He nods leaning over and grabbing one.

Just a few seconds later my moans are heard throughout the room as his hips move and my leg goes around his waist. "Don't leave any marks" I whisper as his lips touch my neck. "Well that's no fun" he whispers with a smirk.

"Cole I'm serious nick isnt dumb he'd figure it out so fast" I reply. "Fine" he says moving his head to rest it against mine. Our breathing syncs up and our hips continue to clash "I'm close" I let out. He nods and continues moving but sits up holding my hips.

We continue going for what feels like half an hour before he finishes. While he discards the condom I grab one of my shirts from the floor and change into it. "This can't happen again" I tell him. "I know i know" he says coming back in.

I then watch as he gets in beside me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Did you not want cuddles?" He asks. I sigh "fine but you're gone first thing in the morning" I answer. "Got it" he says. I lay down and my backs facing toward him then he lays down pulling me toward him.

His head fits right in the crook of my neck and his arms around my waist. "Crap I gotta text willow" I say. "Here" he says sitting up and grabbing my phone from the floor. "Thanks" I mumble. His arm goes back around my waist as I text willow.


Made it home safe


It's been an hour since you left

What were you up to?


Nothin I just forgot


Sure sure

After plugging my phone in and making sure its charging I cuddle into cole and slowly fall asleep. "Good night elle" he whispers sleepily. "Night cole" I mumble.

The following morning I wake up and Cole's not there. I do my morning routine and then go out to the living area. Cole standing infront of my coffee machine pouring coffee into a mug. "Why are you still here?" I ask crossing my arms.

He jumps and turns around "just making sure you have coffee" he answers holding the mug out to me. "Oh thanks I guess" I reply taking it. "Welcome" he says. I silently add sugar and some coffee creamer.

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