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"Elle are we still going to the Montreal game?" Willow asks as we're sitting on the couch. "Yeah why?" I ask. "Are we going out after?" She asks. "Uh probably not I start school again tomorrow" I answer.

She sighs "right I forgot sorry" she frowns. "You can go out just don't do anything stupid" I tell her. "I'll just hang around nick if he goes out" she says. "Ok just be safe still" I reply.

As I get up to go to the kitchen for a snack she changes it to the game before the Montreal game. "Who's playing?" I ask. "Oilers and ducks" she answers. "Where is it?" I ask. "Uh edmonton" she answers.

I nod "I bet draisaitl looks hot" I joke. "He does" she confirms. I pop my head out of the kitchen to look at the tv and it switches to trevor zegras. One of Cole's friends.

Willow gasps "he's a cutie" she says. I smirk "he's friends with cole" I tell her. "He looks like a player and I like your brother" she replies. "Oh yes my bad I forgot" I say then go back to the kitchen.

Once I've had a snack we get ready for the game and I play music while doing makeup then I quickly curl my long hair and change into Jean's, a red crop top and a leather jacket with my doc Martin boots along with my small purse to store essentials in.

"I'm ready when you are" willow says from the hall. "Coming!" I shout back in a sing song voice. "Just texting your brother that we're on our way" she replies. "Okie dokie" I respond grabbing my phone and leaving my room.

On the way down my phone buzzes in my hand so I check it.


You're still coming to the game right?

"Uh cole just texted me" I tell her. "What did he say?" She asks. "Asked if I'm still going to the game" I answer. "Are you going to answer? You are friends" she says. I sigh and type a message back.


Yeah you'll easily spot us


Are you coming out
with the team after?

"He just asked if I'm going out with the team after" I sigh. She smirks "he's got you hooked" she says. I groan "I know it sucks" I reply. "Just say no and that you start school again tomorrow" she says.


Nope I start school tomorrow


Dang wanted to
See you again


Maybe after the Saturday game
Unless I have to study


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