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Kinda wanna switch points of views each chapter but I shall see lol anyway enjoy

If cole keeps calling me baby I might combust. "I-okay" I reply and answer my brothers phone call. "Elle what are you up to? A few of the guys and I are getting dinner and willow too" he asks. "I uh just got back from a work out" I lie.

Coles hand moves closer to my throbbing clit. "That explains the weird breathing, I'll be there to get you and willow at 6:45" he says. "Greeeeaaat who's going" I ask. "Kirby, xhekaj, slaf and I still need to hear back from cole" he answers.

Oh crap. "Sounds fun" I reply and I feel cole slip a finger inside and I struggle to suppress a moan. "Okaaay then I'm gonna call cole and see if hes up for dinner and drinks" he says. "Gr-great bye nick" I reply and hangup.

"He-he's about to call you" I moan out. He smirks "so I heard" he replies then quickly makes me cum. He removes his fingers and licks them clean. "If I had to suffer so do you" I tell him and I get between his legs and I start going down on him.

He leans his head back moaning "oh baby that feels good" he groans and his phone starts ringing. I lift my head and look at him "answer it" I tell him. He nods answering it and I go back down.

I look up at him through my eyelashes "y-yeah what's up?" He asks. I can't really hear nick thankfully and hopefully he can't hear the sounds my mouth is making. "Oh yeah I'm definitely down for dinner, whose going?" He asks already knowing the answer. "Elles gonna be there?" He asks trying to be convincing.

The phone call ends a minute later "you're so lucky he couldnt hear that, now that I'm off the phone I'm so close" he tells me. I smirk and start playing with his balls. Seconds later I feel them get tight and his cum drips down my throat.

After I swallow I pull away and leave a couple kisses on his dick. He chuckles "your mouth is something else" he says looking at me with tired eyes. "Yours is too" I reply and cuddle up with him again.

"What's the time?" I ask. "Mmm 4:30" he answers. "Can we cuddle for a little then have a snack instead of a full meal?" I ask him. He nods kissing my forehead "of course elle" he whispers. "Great I've got strawberries in the fridge" I reply.

We cuddle for a good half an hour before getting our clothes back on and going into the kitchen. "Do you have chocolate too?" He asks. "I dooo" I answer smiling and taking the strawberries out.

I cut the stems off and then melt the chocolate before dipping the strawberries in it. "That looks good" he mumbles. "It is" I reply eating one. He dips one in chocolate and eats it. We're both too consumed by eating the strawberries to talk.

After finishing them we go sit on the couch. "So you're sure about doing this?" Cole asks. "Yes cole I'm fine with it" I answer. He nods "okay and uh I won't be hooking up with anyone else" he tells me. "And I dont expect you to be doing the same" he says.

My heart flutters and I try not to blush "I dont have any intentions of hooking up with anyone else" I reply. He nods and eats a strawberry. I honestly didn't have any intentions on sleeping with him or any hockey player for that matter.

The two of us finish the container of strawberries and he is gone before willow comes home at 6. When she comes through the apartment door I'm already in the bathroom getting ready for dinner. I had an everything shower in hopes coles scent is gone.

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