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And we're backkkkkk

8th July 2017, Nashville

"I really am coming to a dead end here tree" Freya sighed over the phone to the publicist "I've already taken her phone from her, I've made her favourite foods, I've tried to get her to go for a walk with me, a drive, hell even to sit in the garden outside for a bit...I just can't seem to get through to her"

Day 8.

8 days of trying to coax Taylor out of bed.

8 days of trying to get the singer to eat a decent meal.

8 days of sitting by her, reassuring her that it would be okay.

8 days of trying to convince Taylor that not everyone in this planet hated her.

But no matter how hard Freya had been trying she just couldn't get through to her girlfriend. Taylor was slipping through her fingers and all she could do was watch as the singer faded right before her eyes.

She thought taking Taylors phone away on Day 3 would solve a lot of the problems. She was naive enough to think that stopping Taylor from endless scrolling would also stop Taylors mind from spiralling.

She had Andrea come round on Day 5, hoping that the presence of her mother would maybe get Taylor out of bed at least. That didn't work and all Freya was left with was an afternoon spent humming over a steaming cup of tea with her mother in law. Not that she didn't get along with Andrea, she loved that women like she loved her own mother and she would always be eternally grateful in how gracious Andrea had been when her own mother turned her back on her. However she still found it hard to engage in a conversation with her when she knew upstairs the singers mind was spiralling.

On Day 7, Freya caved into the singers requests. A day in bed is what she wanted then a day in bed is what she got. Freya lay next to her the whole day turning on a romcom followed by countless hours of greys anatomy. She played with Taylors hair, she brought her favourite food and even let the singer eat in bed even though she internally cringed at the thought of food getting onto her sheets.

And now it was day 8 and the brit was running out of ideas.

"I won't lie to you I've thought of just running away with her... going completely off the grid" Freya spoke through the phone as she gazed out of the kitchen window. The bubbling sounds of the kettle filling the morning air. 10am.

"You can't just run away, you and I both know this is as much a personal issue as well as a brand and work issue" Tree spoke. "Running away won't solve anything it'll just delay the process."

"She's not a brand" Freya rolled her eyes annoyed at Tree's choice of words.

"Fae you and I both know that" the publicist sighed "but to the public 'Taylor Swift' is house hold name, it's not only music it's her entire brand, merch, brand deals further deals, future investments its all at stake here" Tree tried to explain to the brit. "We need to figure out a PR stunt and a way in which we can get the public back on her side."

"You wouldn't have a brand to protect if you didn't have a person" Freya whispered.

"Is it really that bad?" Tree asked not fully believing the brit.

"It's been 8 days since she got out of bed tree, sure she's showered but forced" Freya spoke "She's not eating, she's barely speaking I can maybe get a total of 3 words out of her the rest is hums, if I'm not being completely ignored"

"Maybe I should come by?" Tree questioned out loud "I can explain to her what all this means for her career, explain to her that we will move past this and that it will be okay."

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