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Confession this chapter was actually really hard for me to write...and I hope it lives up to all your expectations. For some reason it took my 5 sittings to write this where I usually write a chapter in 2 sittings at most but oh well here ya go!

15th August 2017, Nashville (post lasik)

"Oh my god" Taylor slurred as she tried lifting her head off of the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Don't do that honey just lay down" Andrea was immediately by her daughters side, Taylor had just come out of her surgery, and they were currently in the recovery area waiting for final paper work to be able to go home.

"My eyes" Taylor turned her head in the direction of her mothers voice.

"Does it hurt?" Andrea questioned concerned as she rested her folded arms against the rail of the hospital bed.

"No..." Taylor shook her head "...I have three of them" She whispered as if it were a secret.

"You have three of them?" Andrea couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yea..." Taylor nodded in disbelief "Hey! Nurse!" She called out as she made out a figure walk into her room.

"Not a nurse my darling but I'm glad to see you're awake" Freya's british accent filled the room as she entered with two iced coffees, silently handing Andrea hers.

"You could be my nurse..." Taylor trailed off "My sexy nurse" she attempted to whisper.

"Babe, may I remind you your mother is in the room" Freya spoke coming round to Taylors other side, trying her best not to make eye contact with Andrea.

"pfffffffttttt" Taylor giggled "She knows we have sex silly"

"And I'm sure she doesn't want to hear about it" Freya tried to steer the conversation.

"Great sex" Taylor added.

"I think thats enough" Freya shook her head "Do you want some water, are you thirsty?"

"My eyessssssss" Taylor whined like a child.

"Yea you had surgery on them" Freya nodded as she walked over to the small table to pour her girlfriend a cup of water.

"My eyes are thirsty?" Taylor questioned.

"No but maybe you are" Freya hummed, Andrea just stood back admiring the younger girls patience.

"I'm thirsty?" Taylor questioned pointing at herself.

"Maybe" Freya nodded coming back to the bed and holding the straw up to Taylors lips.

Taylor took a small sip and scrunched up her face unimpressed, causing Andrea to chuckle "She made that same look the time I cut her apple into sticks and told her they were fries"

"I still don't forgive you" Taylor pointed a finger at her mother.

"Honey you were six..." Andrea rolled her eyes playfully.

"Still hurts" Taylor mumbled.

"Okay so I've got all your paper work so you should be good to go" Dr Khan entered the room holding Taylor's discharge and post surgery care. "Taylor how are you feeling?"

"Wanna hear a joke?" Taylor giggled already thinking of her joke.

"Sure" Dr khan nodded a little unsure

"Why did the chicken cross the road..." Taylor smiled like a child who couldn't wait to get to the punch line.

"To get to the other side?" Dr Khan questioned

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