1- Hey pretty Girl, what's your name what's your number?

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Calum's POV


"Bro, you wanna come over and play Fifa after school?" My best friend, Luke, asks me.

"Sure," I say.

"Alright see you later buddy," Luke says, running after his girlfriend Madi, giving her a quick kiss. They're so cute together. I shut my locker and start to walk off to my first class. Ugh, maths. On a Friday. Is that even legal? I sit down in my usual seat, the back of the class. Our teacher begins to talk when suddenly a girl walks in.

"Hi, I'm umm Izzy," she says, shyly to the teacher.

"Oh, you're late," Mrs Walker, says clearly not impressed.

"Find a seat."

It takes me about three seconds to realize the only seat left is next to me.

Damn, she's gorgeous.

Don't screw up Calum, I think to myself.

She sits down and smiles at me. She has such a pretty smile.

"Did you have braces?" I ask, stupidly.

"Haha, yeh I did," she says, slightly creeped out.

"Hi, Calum, by the way," I say, giving her a smile.

"I'm not Calum." She says.

"What?" I say, laughing. She is so adorable.

"What?" She giggles.

Fuck her giggle is so cute.

"I'm Izzy," she says. "Wait I already said that didn't I?"

"Haha, yeh."

"I'm sorry," she says, blushing.

"So this is your first day of school, right?"

"Umm, no actually we had English together two years ago," she says, sadly.

I feel bad, but part of me wonders how hard puberty has hit. She had braces. I try to think back to Year 9 English. She said she had braces. There were only four girls in my class with braces. I think about them. And then it hits me all at once. Izzy.

She was such a nerd.

She was slim, yet flat chested.

She had these blue braces that would always change shades and tones.

She had light brown hair that was always put in a messy bun.

She never wore makeup and never had nail polish on.

She look so natural, she wasn't even that ugly but now... Damn.

"Calum?" I hear a voice say.

"Huh?" I say, coming back into focus.

She laughs as I watch her grab her books.

She raises an eyebrow in question.

"Class is over, Cal." She says and leaves.

She gave me a nickname? I smile. The smile disappears when I realize I'm the only one in the classroom.

"Fuck," I mutter to myself. Mrs Walker smiles at me and I run out of class. Hell no.

5 minutes later

"Hey Cal," Madi says, when I sit down. I sit across from her and Luke. It's always like this. I sit alone, with Luke and Madi on the other side. I don't really have a problem with it since Madi is pretty cool, I just wish there was someone for me. My friend, Michael, could probably sit with me. But him and Luke aren't exactly friends, they're kind of enemies. Luke's a really cool guy and so is Michael.

Michael is just jealous because Madi loves Luke.

Two years ago when Madi came to this school in Year 9, Luke liked her. But so did Michael. Unfortunately, for Michael, Madi liked Luke. Michael was too 'forward' for her, apparently. I think its because of the way Michael presents himself. He tries to be a punk rock bad ass, but really, he's as harmful as a kitten. Luke tries to act confident but he's too awkward for that.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Izzy. I smile at her.

"Can I umm sit with you guys?" She asks. She is so awkward it's adorable.

"Of-course," Madi says, removing her arms from Luke to talk to Izzy.

"Hey," Luke whines, wrapping his arms around her. "You're mine. You're not going anywhere." Madi laughs cuddling into Luke, continuing to talk to Izzy.

"Izzy didn't you go to school here in Year 9 with us?" Luke asks, after about twenty minutes of small talk.

"Yeh, I did."

"But not last year?" I ask.

"Um. Well no. I was at a boarding school."

"Why?" I ask, stupidly.

"I'd rather not say," she says, quietly.

"Okay," I say, agreeing with her. I want to know why.

20 minutes later at the end of lunch

Izzy is so cool. She is so down to Earth and just amazing. And she's so hot and just generally gorgeous. I've always paid so much attention to her, which kind of scares me. I like her, more than I have ever liked any other girl. Without knowing it, but my subconscious does.

The bell rings

"Bye guys," Luke yells to us as he chases after Madi. I hear Izzy giggle its only then I realize she is still beside me.

"Je peux avoir ton numero?" I say.

"You speak French?" Izzy asks me.

"No, I just learned how to say that," I say embarrassed.

She giggles.

"That is incredibly lame, but you were honest about it so, yes you can have my number," she says.

"Oh, I'm incredibly lame," I say with a smile.

I hand her my phone and she types in her number and makes her own contact. She evens put a selfie as her pic and she looks so pretty.

"Text me, Cal." She says, rushing off to class.

I text the number.

Me: Hi izzy

Izzy <3: hi Cal

This is going to be a good year, I think to myself.

Authors Note

Hi Guys! My name is Madi and yes, Luke is forever mine.


Okay so this is book one in a 5sos series I'm writing. Izzy is based on my beautiful best friend who is helping me write this fan-fic series. Thank you Izzy. I love you so much! Thank you to my talented friend Tyla who made the amazing cover.


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