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Abigail started telling Ryan's past to yuri.


   Ryan's parents were running a successfull company abroad, they are barely home, while ryan lived alone in their huge mansion. His parents even missed his birthdays and special occasions.  He never really felt loved by his parents. people loved him for his handsomeness, looks and his smartness.

He was quite popular in the school, also he was a bright kid with genius brain. The school girls would be drooling over him but Ryan's heart only belongs to that one girl, jade!

   She was also one of the popular girls in the school along with that she was the cheerleader group's captain.

   When it was first day of school for Ryan, jade became his first friend in this school.

Ryan eventually fall for her and confessed his feelings to her and she accepted him.

They dated each other for almost a year. They were considered as the best couple in whole school, everyone knew about their relationship. Everything was going fine, but then...

    It was a rainy day, the school was already dismissed. All the students were heading to their home. But our Ryan was still there.

     "Uff!! Due to that bastard, I got detention. Well, Ethan is on fault. If he hadn't tried to flirt with my girl then I wouldn't have to punch him in the face!! Now I need to clean the school's washroom in everyone's absence. What a tragedy!!"

          Ryan headed to the first floor's boys washroom. The floor was empty, all students are gone.

  Ryan was about to open the door wide, when he heard some noises from inside. So he slightly open the door and eavesdropped inside the room.

     The view he saw next made his world shatter into pieces. His view started being blurry due to his tears. Now his face shows sadness, anger and BETRAYAL. He flew open the door in rage which startled the both persons who were drowned in kissing each other.

   The girl's face turned pale on seeing ryan. The girl was none other than his love of life. With whome he planned his rest of life and the boy who was kissing her was ethan who was flirting with jade earlier.

Ryan walked towards them with red puffy eyes which were screaming FIRE!. He stood infront of his beloved girlfriend, his stare was forcing an answer from her. Jade spoke while stuttering "R-Ryan actually i-it's his fault. I didn't do anything. He was seducing me from days and I just  g-gave in!".

Her reply made his blood boil in rage. Suddenly jade felt a sharp pain on her right cheek. Realizing that he slapped her, she teared up.

  "he seduce you and you got seduced?"

     Saying this he left the place without turning back.

     Next day that jerk ethan, himself leaked this news all over the school.
Everyone humiliated jade for being a bit*h to her loyal boyfriend. Jade couldn't handle the embarrassment and transfered to another school.

Abigail is done with her explanation and yuri felt so sorry for him. This is the moment when she made her mind to bring him out of his shell of misery.

  Abigail said snapping yuri out of her thoughts "yuri!! Are you okay? What are you thinking so deeply? ".

  Yuri replied with nervous smile "oh! That was nothing!".

                     AFTER BREAK

        Ryan return to the classroom just to find yuri again sitting in his beside chair. For some reason he felt angry seeing her again. He rushed towards her and spoke in a raspy voice "Get lost from here. I just bared you for the first two periods but I can't resist your stupidity anymore! ". Yuri replied him politely "sorry to annoy you, but I liked this place. If you don't mind, can I sit here for the rest?....Pleeease?" yuri request him with hopefulness but Ryan lost his patience and snapped at her "CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?  I DON'T WANT YOU HERE, JUST FUCK OFF! YOU BITCH!!".

                Everyone in the class stared at         them in shock.

         Yuri didn't had any expression. She just walked off from there quietly heading towards another empty seat. But before going she turned towards him and said with a sweet smile "since you are so irritated by me, I will give you some space. But you can't always get away from me!" Saying the last words, she winked at him for which he thought she is 'WEIRD'.

    Whole class started whispering "why is he being such jerk to a sweet girl like her?". But making everyone silent, the teacher entered the class.


        Everyone was concentrating on the class except one person, Ryan. He was reflecting on his previous behavior with yuri. If she had fought him back or scolded him back for being harsh like anyone else then he had been more relieved. But since she didn't done that, now he feels guilty.

          The next period was chemistry. Yuri again walked towards Ryan's desk and asked him hesitantly, she was afraid that he would reject her request "hey, can I please sit here?" She had a strange, yet mesmerizing spark of hope in her eye. For her surprise he agreed. She literally jumped in happiness. Which made him think she is crazy.

   She sat beside him. The teacher gave them a project also said it to do in group. The group should consist of 2 members. The teacher said that the desk mates should be partners with each other. Ryan internally facepalmed to be paired up with this annoying girl.

The teacher was explaining the project clearly while yuri took out a chips packet from her bag. She started eating it secretly while hiding the packet in desk.

She then offered him the chips too. First he rejected but then accepted when she insisted him. They both munched on their snacks and quietly chatted a bit. Ryan realised that yuri was a fun company to be around. This was the first time in a while that he talked to someone this much. To be honest he started accepting her without realizing. Her smile and sweet words work like magic.

      Both yuri and ryan planned to meet on Sunday to discuss on their project.

    Atlast it was the last period. Here yuri was in music class while Ryan was in art class. Their last period had different classes. Ryan was pleased to not be around her anymore. He loves to be alone and mind his own business.

   Ryan was annoyed by her and complaining about her to himself. Like..her smile is annoying, She always blabbers, she tries to be extra sweet, etc. But what he didn't notice is that even in an annoying way, but he is still thinking about her in her absence.

    He tilted towards his painting and got surprised. He started drawing her portrait without noticing. He drew half way.

         "What is going on with me?" He arched internally.


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