Comfort Zone | Jungwon

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(A/N: It is not always the case with big families, but children can feel overlooked by siblings or by other family members. I am by no means saying doing things for attention is completely ok, but I can understand why this is a common method in order to be noticed by family or peers.)

"형! 형!" (Hyung ! Hyung !) Jungwon was excited to the one person he didn't feel was judgmental against him. Chanwook smiled as he could see that Jungwon was running towards him excitedly. "How are you, Jungwonie ?"

Jungwon had met up with his Chanwook hyung for a picnic. Chanwook was probably the only stable person in his life. "I am well, hyung. I am just glad to spend some time with you." Jungwon had a loving family, but he was sometimes overlooked for his countless other siblings. He was the second middle child of six. 

"몇 주 전에 제가 당신을 봤을 때 당신은 매우 흥분한 것 같았습니다. 그 이후로 무슨 일이 있었습니까?" (You seemed so excited when I saw you a few weeks ago. What's happened since then ?), Chanwook asked worried the boy was still sad. Jungwon offered a smile, but his eyes still held a bit of sadness in them. The last thing he wanted was to worry his hyung even more. "It's alright, hyung. Let's not dwell on the past. We should focus on the present..."

Chanwook didn't push him which relatively made Jungwon relax. He always felt unburdened when with his hyung. No worries fell on him & he was able to be the center of attention for once. Even if for a few hours... he wasn't overlooked by his siblings.

The hours went by too quick. It was about time Jungwon started making his way home. Chanwook usually walked him as to make sure he gets back safely. He carried Jungwon on his back as the younger was a bit exhausted, but still wanted some physical contact. 

Chanwook knew Jungwon' mood was deteriorating as they neared his home. He was much calmer before they nearly reached their destination. "You have no reason to be anxious, Jungwonie. I am only one call away if you ever need to talk. Okay ?" Jungwon smiled as his eyes had a glossy look due to the tears welling in them. He clearly needed to hear this. 

"찬욱이 형 감사합니다. 항상 제 곁에 있어주셔서 감사합니다." (Thank you, Chanwook hyung. Thank you for always being there for me.)

Comfort. Jungwon felt comforted up until the very end... Sadly, all things come to an end.

Comfort zone.

The END.


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