A Phoenix's Birth (to Arthur)
wail, lost born, plead unto the flares.
plead until the blues are faded.
in the prickling Reds, embrace the sting, you—
who lived the betrayal of torches lit
of milk skin etched with flame bruises
of daring wings melted onto shore
harness the heat, you know it best
turn scalds to warmth, feel its caress"Let'em burn," they said
"Let me burn," you said.the light once blinding, now never binding
for you know the gleams were never chains
and the flames rose within to the heavens
leaving no trace of yesterday's embers.
burn fences and foes to the ground
and from the ashes, you shall be found
spread those wings, reveal your light
oh Phoenix, soar to a dauntless flight!
kinesus: a poetry collection
PoetryWords, how I love them, especially when my heart weaves them into verses that mirror facets of life, most I have worn and seen, some I merely envision. Regardless, the words brought me here, the same way it brought you to me. This is kinesus, a coll...