Chapter 3

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The next morning, at about 10 or 11 am, the officers of Titanic were once again in the bathroom cleaning up the long dry blood, which was once again Murdoch's, and the smashed mirror, or whatever pieces of glass were around it. Moody and Lowe worked with the mirror while Lightoller cleaned up the blood. Wilde was commanded by Captain Smith to spend time at the bridge on watch duty, while the Captain himself accompanied Murdoch as they headed to the doctor's cabin to get Murdoch some medical attention. Captain Smith watched as the doctor cleaned Murdoch's cut up hand and wrapped it in some bandages. Murdoch looked exhausted. While the Captain and his first officer were away, the others sat in the Mess Hall. "So what is there really left to investigate? I feel as if we cleared many things up last night." Said Lowe. "With William we did. But what about Pitman and Boxhall? They're still missing." Moody replied. "Then that's the next order of business." Added Lightoller. "But where could they have gone?" Wilde questioned. "James, are you sure you didn't see either of them while you were up and about last night?" He asked. "No. Lowe and I went to fetch them for aid, and that's when we found they were gone." Said Moody. "Their rooms were pristine though." Lowe added. The door then opened as Captain Smith and Officer Murdoch came in. Murdoch sat down, his cut hand now wrapped in bandages. He sat between Wilde and Lightoller. He was quiet, not making eye contact with anyone. " Mr. Murdoch," Captain Smith spoke. "Is there something on your mind?" He asked. He didn't say this with the intention of putting Murdoch in the spotlight, but because he was concerned. Murdoch shook his head. "No, not really. I just feel as if I should apologize for what happened last night." He said, his voice a bit hoarse. "That's perfectly fine, Mr. Murdoch. No need for apologies. I know you're not well at the moment." Smith replied. "Excuse me, sir?" Moody asked, raising his hand. "Yes, Mr. Moody?" Asked the Captain. "If you don't mind me bringing the topic forth, I believe the next course of action would be to locate Mr. Pitman and Mr. Boxhall?" He said. "Very well, Mr. Moody. I believe we cleared most everything up with Mr. Murdoch last night. So it's only right that we turn our attention to other pressing matters." Replied the Captain. After much discussion, it was unknown of any places Titanic's missing third and fourth officers could be. "Mr. Wilde," Smith began. "You, Mr. Lowe, and Mr. Moody will search. Mr. Lightoller, you will send word to our wireless operators and join the search afterwards. Mr. Murdoch, I will accompany you to get some medicine and then I want you to get some sleep." Everyone nodded in understanding.
"I think we should start with the decks first. Mr. Lightoller should be joining us soon." Said Wilde. In the wireless room, John Phillips and Harold Bride watched as Second Officer Lightoller came in. "Good day, gentlemen." Lightoller greeted. "I've been sent by the Captain to deliver a message: Third Officer Pitman and Fourth Officer Boxhall have gone missing. I assume Captain Smith wants you to send a message out to neighboring ships. There is also a bit of a situation with Officer Murdoch, but that's pretty much resolved for the most part, so don't worry, cause that's under control." After Lightoller left, Phillips and Bride exchanged questioning and confused looks. Putting the headphones on, Phillips turns to work. "Contacting other ships:
M.G.Y: this is Titanic. We are informed by our second officer that our third and fourth officer have appeared to have gone missing. There also is a small situation with our first officer, but we were told that it is under control for the most part."
Within a few moments there was a reply.
"From: Baltic. To: Titanic. Sounds like you have your hands full, huh?"
"M.G.Y. - Yes, it seems like it."
"From: Oceanic. To: Titanic. Shall we look out for anyone that may be crew from your kin?"
"M.G.Y. - Yes, best to watch, just in case. Will notify our Captain of the discussion."
At that moment, on perhaps a lucky strike, Captain Smith just so happened to enter the room. "We've just made contact with the Baltic and the Oceanic, sir. They're watching out for any of our crew." Said Phillips. "Good." The Captain replied. "Beyond that, we don't really know what else to do..." Phillips then added. "That's alright, Mr. Phillips. Just keep me updated on conversation on the topic." Smith replied. A while later, after Smith left, Bride and Phillips discussed their wandering thoughts. "Where do you think Mr. Pitman and Mr. Boxhall really went?" Bride asked. "Beats me. Perhaps they're still somewhere on the Titanic?" Phillips replied. "I just wish there was something more that we can do..." he mumbled. Meanwhile, in his quarters, Officer Murdoch rested in his bed. His eyes were heavy. His room partly glowed a pale blue from the light flowing in through the closed curtains of the small window that was behind him. The only noises were the engines chugging deep below and his own breathing. Sleep was like a spell, slowly spilling over him. His eyes finally closed, and Officer William Murdoch finally fell asleep.
"Suppose Herbert and Joseph are still onboard," began Lowe. He and Lightoller were chilling in the Mess Hall, snacking their hunger away. "Where do you think they would be?" Lowe added. "Hm." Lightoller said, chewing. "Not sure. They could be anywhere. Too many places." He replied. "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep our eyes out." He then added. Standing out of sight by the Mess Hall door was James Moody. He was eavesdropping, but there was nothing more that the young officer wanted than to solve this mystery. He then decided to join the conversation. "Hey, guys." He said, his figure coming into view. "Ah, detective James Moody!" Lowe said jokingly. "So what's up with you?" Lightoller asked. "Not much. Truth be told, I was eavesdropping before I came in... I'm just always having all this stuff on my mind..." Moody said. For a moment, a small smile came across Lightoller's face at the eavesdropping comment. "Perhaps we should ask around?" Moody then suggested. "Perhaps. But it's really only crew members that would know them best. Cause I doubt any passengers would really notice them." Lightoller replied. "You took a trip to the wireless room earlier today, right, Lights?" Moody then asked. "Yeah." He replied. "Do you know whether or not Mr. Phillips or Mr. Bride saw either Pitman or Boxhall?" Lightoller shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't ask. But if I had to guess, no. Both of them don't get out of that old wireless cabin much, and officers like us don't usually visit them. But perhaps it's worth asking if only to get an affirmative answer." "Where's Mr. Murdoch?" Lowe happened to ask. "He's in his quarters asleep. Captain Smith says that he needs rest." Lightoller replied. While Lightoller took another trip back to the wireless room, Moody decided to ring up the Crow's Nest, and see if Fleet and Lee had ever happened to see Pitman and Boxhall recently. Meanwhile, up in the Crow's Nest, Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee were working their shift like usual when suddenly the telephone rang, and of course, Frederick picked it up. "Yes?" He said. "This is Officer Moody. Just wanting to ask, but have you seen Officer Pitman and Officer Boxhall recently? They've gone missing and we're trying to find them." Frederick paused for a few moments. "Hold on for a moment." He then said, putting his hand over the phone, he whispers to Reginald. "Have we seen Officer Pitman and Boxhall recently?" He whispered. Reginald thought for a moment before he shook his head. "No, I don't think so." He replied. Meanwhile, Officer Moody waited on the other end. "Alright, I'm back. No, no, we haven't seen them. Apologizes." Frederick then said. "Pitty. Well, thanks anyways. Sorry to bother you." Moody replied. He then hung up, leaving Frederick to mumble "that was a bit odd" as he put down the phone. In the wireless cabin, Phillips and Bride were surprised to see Officer Lightoller again. "Good day, once again, gentlemen. There was a question I had forgotten to ask the last time. Have either of you seen Officer Pitman and Boxhall recently?" Lightoller asked. "No, we don't get out of the wireless room much and officers like yourself don't usually stop by." Harold Bride said, unknowingly parroting what the second officer had said earlier. "Hmm. Well, it was worth a try. Thank you anyways." Lights said, bidding the two men goodbye before making his exit. He then made his way back to the Mess Hall where both Moody and Lowe still sat. "Well, the wireless operators haven't seen them either." He said, walking past and sitting back down where he was before. "It's just dead end after dead end." Lowe groaned. "Yep." Lightoller agreed as he sat back down, resting his feet up on the table. There was a moment of silence before Moody spoke up. "So what do we do next?" There was no response.
Meanwhile, Captain Smith was in the chart room holding a meeting with Mr. Ismay and Mr. Andrews. They were the closest two people to Titanic's crew, and he thought it best to bring them in on the loop. "Mr. Andrews, since you know Titanic better than anyone, I would like you to search around and ask with the help of the officers. I believe it is time I check up on Mr. Murdoch." When Captain Smith entered the Officer's Quarters, a certain smell made itself known. It wasn't particularly strong, but it wasn't very dim either. From where he was, which was in front of the closed door of Officer Murdoch's cabin, he could see something unusual on the closed door of the cabin of Third Officer Pitman. Upon closer inspection, it was found to be blood.
They're gone
it said. Smith was confused. Rushing over to the other side where Boxhall's cabin was, he was met with another message.
Never to be found
Smith rushed back to Murdoch's door. It was only now that he realized that there were drops of blood that made a kind of trail that led from both doors and out to the bridge. He was then alerted when he heard distant shouts. "No, Will, stop!" Came the voice of Officer Wilde. Following the commotion, Captain Smith arrived at the stern, where all his officers were... and two lifeless bodies... While Captain Smith was making his way to the stern, he briefly noted how empty the decks looked. There was no one outside. Still, he happened to wonder just how he could have heard the commotion from all the way on the other side of Titanic... how was that possible? On the deck of the stern, Officer Wilde, and Lightoller were fighting with Murdoch, who clearly was not in his right mind... it wasn't the William Murdoch that everyone knew. Murderous Murdoch had clearly taken control. Meanwhile, Officer Lowe and Moody were by the two bodies, having a serious talk. The two bodies were the two missing officers; Joseph Boxhall and Herbert Pitman; the third and fourth officers. "Get the hell off me!" Murdoch would yell, throwing an elbow in response, hitting people such as Lightoller in the chest, who then doubles over for a moment or so. "Sir, help! He's out of control!" Wilde said. Finally able to push Wilde and Lights aside, Murdoch goes over to where Moody and Lowe are and practically throws Moody to the side, causing him to crash into Lights, who was walking at a quick pace to grab Murdoch, causing him to fall again. Like the night before, Wilde bear hugs Murdoch from behind, holding him back. But of course, Henry Wilde didn't do this action without consequence. With the back of his head and with quite force, Will headbuts Wilde, who lets his grip go and falls to the deck, his nose now perhaps broken. Finally regaining his footing, Lightoller lunges forward, now on his stomach and grabbing hold of Will's ankle. Hidden in his coat was a knife that he had now taken out. "You son of a-" He was just about to nearly stab Lights in the head when Lowe grabbed hold of his arm. For the whole time, Captain Smith was shocked, and it was only now after Mr. Andrews and Mr. Ismay showed up, that Smith finally came forward. "What is going on here?!" Andrews asked. He was taken aback when he saw the bodies of Pitman and Boxhall. "D-Did Mr. Murdoch do that?!" "OW!" A cry came from Officer Lowe, as the knife cut his hand, as well as a bit of his wrist. It was at this time, when Lightoller had already let go for his own safety. "Mr. Murdoch!" Captain Smith shouted, his voice stern and harsh. "Stop. This. Now." He commanded. Will Murdoch-or more so Murderous Murdoch- stared straight at the Captain. In his distracted state, Lightoller and Moody managed to tackle him down to the ground, with Lightoller giving him a quick sock to the head, knocking him out.

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