Episode 1: Where it all Began

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Before I start the Series. Not all episodes would be released very often because I have to deal with other projects, and my anxiety (I'm trying to control myself from these intrusive thoughts) so they might be delayed depending on the severity. Anyway, time to start the Fanstyia Chronicles journey

*opens the Fanstyia Gates*

A very long time ago, on a planet called Gyrovale, on an island called Fanstyia, one of its seven continents, is a  colorful and peculiar island. There are living bizarre animals and species, one of them known as Entities. Entities May look like humans but they mostly have 4 (or sometimes 5) fingers and most of them lack noses. Entities start existing when any type of energy forms to the point where the entity is created but they do not form as babies somehow, like humans, they can die permanently. however, Special entities can't die forever as if they are immortal. these humanoid creatures are basically aliens in human shape.

Anyway, Fanstyia was in peace as everything was pure cuteness and equality, The creatures were positive and the flowers and trees were fresh and blooming as well as the grass. At the Acropolis, an island valley lived 7 glorious spirits, they were: Noir the Euphoria, CyberSpace the Techno, Arty The Creative, Jupita The Galactic, Xegibon the Freedom, Astronicko The Cosmic, and Cozy The Dream. That kingdom's name is The Acropolis Of Justice.

All was peaceful and joyful.. but it did not last somehow as a vicious empire force emerged from outer space. This empire is known as The Order Project (or TOP for short) over the centuries, The Order Project has taken over and even destroyed other galaxies and EVEN UNIVERSES (they didn't find our galaxy so we're safe because this is just fiction) When they arrived at Gyro to focus on Fanstyia., Things started to go downhill... Order Project's Orcies began to appear and soldiers and armies fought TOP but were defeated. Only the 7 Spirits were left to stop them. they fought most of the Order Project but when they reached the floating fortress, the spirits had to face Princess Obidia. Princess Obidia wanted to drain away the fun and imagination from Fanstyia and wanted the whole of Fanstyia or even possibly the entirety of Gyovale depressed and force the inhabitants to do what TOP says or they will be offed (i.e getting killed)

The spirits fought her but when she was almost defeated, she got something surprising... Just about the 7 Glorious Spirits were about to use their powers to kill her, Obidia managed to freeze their movement. they were unable to move their bodies.

the process of the spirits begins by turning into small (around 2 foot) colored stones. the spirits felt the transformation painful, especially Arty who is the shyest spirit. when the transformation is done, Princess Obidia extracted the emotions, feelings, and most importantly their souls, making the stones lifeless. after all of this was complete, she blasted the stones which were once the spirits into different places in Fanstyia, scattering them away from each other and nowhere to be seen for thousands of years. This has caused The Fanstyia Guardian to make a new group called The Zodiac Pact, the pact has slowly gotten its members through the centuries as the guardian decides who fits the roles and signs, no matter their birthdays or such

Centuries Later...

In the deep dark woods of Wandalond, The Order Project's minions are called Orcies. They're orcs but less hideous and some of them wield supernatural guns called The Obliterateer if it shoots an organism, it kills them and their bodies turn to dust... but not on a Special Entity as they would turn into glowing orbs The Orcies are still trying to take down any creature and organism that May look cute...

"Just look at those cute fellas!" gibed an Orcie looking at a medium colorful ant-moth hybrid "It deserves to be gone! Blown into bits!" Another one said as they pointed the Obliterateer to them. They were about to pull the trigger.. while they were in a conversation, a 6'1 entity was sneaking and crawling into the trees with his green eyes glowing. Do you want to know that tree person? Well his name is Arbor and he is a Forestian Dyrad who is 1250 years old but most of everyone in Fanstyia is young and never age. he embodies the Taurus sign

Arbor isn't the only guy here as another man is accompanying him

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Arbor isn't the only guy here as another man is accompanying him. He is quite shorter than Arbor at 6'0, he has 2 stomachs and 4 livers and he has light red pupils. His name is Chandran (38 Y.O) he is Arbor's boyfriend. He's also a Demiboy and bears the Capricorn sign

"I-I think these critters are in danger

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"I-I think these critters are in danger. These orc thingies are too dangerous to be alive. I don't want to watch any innocent animals getting killed right in front of my eyes" fretted Chandran as his eyes were dark shiny blue. Chandran's iris color can change depending on the mood he's in right now.

Arbor started getting desperate to save that Ant-Moth hybrid from the Orcies. "What shall we do after it becomes a corpse?" Orcie #1 asks with a funny smirk on their face urging them not to laugh "Maybe we should show it to our Princess? Maybe eat it? Or turn it into dust?" Orcie #2 said but #1 interrupted them "Hey! Turning it into dust? This isn't the Marvel Cinematic Universe!?"

Arbor has officially felt the urge as he jumps down from the trees and lands on the ground heavily with the ground breaking a little with dirt floating. He then brings out some kind of knife. Chandran also joins in but floats down gently but fast as he's very timid and doesn't want to be furious with anyone, especially Arbor (who's also timid but doesn't like seeing anyone angry at him) "This will be one ducking battle for us" Arbor Smirked as he pulls out his plant beast-cutting knife which has special powers while Chandran summons of the astrology powers to him. The Orcies begin to charge at them and battle against them. The Orcies thankfully weren't using these Obliterateers and used their regular weapons which are simply bland wooden swords and shields, they seem to be as weak as flowers when they're plucked by some but since Orcies are part of The Order Project's minions force. Their swords and shields are quite strong as the fight happens. A few Orcies seem dead while some ran off after being injured. "This could be a simple fight!" Shouted Arbor "I assume these orc species are wea- OUCH!" Arbor gets struck by one of the stronger Orcies and binds him with chains to the ground "Let go of my bf you idio- OOF"

To Be Continued...

Sorry for ending it on a cliffhanger, Idk what to write next (this episode was short because of slow-paced beginnings)
Cya in Episode 2

Fanstyia Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now