Episode 14: Impending Doom

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Happy Pride Month everybody! we celebrate LGBTQIA+ every June which is annually. Also, this episode is kinda hard to write because I get distracted at times (due to busyness) anyways, I managed to complete this episode and I hope you like it

As Hydro goes through the pink, sakura tree, they can't get his mind off watching Varnota getting kidnapped. Maybe Yumia was right back in EverSpark, fate can't be mostly changed, similar to kids being forced to go to school against their will otherwise they'd be in trouble if they missed a day of school without a reason. Anyways, Hydro thoughts in fear, "Yumi and Kuki aren't going to like it, what if they get upset that I didn't save centaur-man Varnota" his heart would break (well, metaphorically) like other rocks and stones if the gals do go mad at him.

He finally founded the Libra and Aries bearers. Kuki asked "Sup Hydro.. what happened to Varnota? you came back but Varnota somehow didn't?"

Hydro sighs before replying, "He's been abducted by The Order Project..." Hydro was so saddened by it, that he collapsed to his knees on the pink grass "And I can't save him. We may have lost him... forever" Tears started to fill his wholely blue eyes as they fell onto the grass like rain. Kuki walked to the crying gargoyle and spoke, "Hydro, we can still save him. They're not going to hurt him, yet" Her assurance brightened Hydro's mood a little, it also gave him hope for them to save the centaur from the grasp of TOP.

Yumia looks above the blue sky and much to her surprise, they have finally found Stratopia. the waterfall on the floating island is falling against gravity. "Guys, we're already here" she announced, gesturing at the island above them which blocks some of the sunlight for some of the land below.

"That was unexpected," Kuki commented "Guess we sort of haven't looked above and surprise, we eventually got here" As they stared up at Stratopia, its cascading waterfall defying gravity, a sense of both awe and trepidation washed over the group. The enormity of their task ahead loomed like the shadow cast by the floating island. Hydro wiped away his tears, his determination renewed by the sight of their destination.

"We can't waste any more time," Hydro said, his voice steadier now. "Varnota needs us, and we have to stop The Order Project before they cause any more harm." Yumia nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on the distant island. "Let's stick together and stay focused. We've come too far to let anything stop us now. just need to get up there"

With a shared resolve, they set off towards that waterfall that can bring people up to Stratopia without getting wet magically. The journey was difficult so far, with obstacles ranging from treacherous terrain to strange creatures lurking in the shadows. But they pressed on, their determination was fueling. Hydro feels desperate to rescue Varnota after what happened a while ago in the dark parts of Lytrygon, he also wants to beat up Python a hard time.

They finally made their way towards the magical waterfall, their path was fraught with tension, each step heavy with the weight of their mission. Hydro's mind was a tempest of emotions, his heart aching for Varnota, and his determination burning bright with the desire to thwart The Order Project's nefarious plans. Kuki walked beside him, her usual cheerful demeanour tempered by the gravity of the situation. "Hydro," she began, her voice gentle yet resolute, "We're going to save Varnota (and Chandran for Arbor's sake). We won't let anything happen to him or Chandran, I promise."

Hydro nodded, grateful for Kuki's unwavering support. "I know, Kuki. I just... I can't shake this feeling of guilt. What if I could've done more to protect him?" His voice cracked with emotion, the weight of his perceived failure heavy upon his shoulders.

Yumia, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward, her expression determined as her ruby eyes looked at the living body of stone. "Hydro, you did everything you could. We knew what would happen and can't fight stubborn fates. But now, we have a chance to make things right. Together." Her words were like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of Hydro's despair. He looked at Yumia, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Yumi. I needed to hear that."

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