Episode 3: Troublesome

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Avialeena, Resa, Chandran, and Arbor are wandering through Wandalond which is quite dark and a little foggy at times but there are light places within like glades. Wandalond tends to be the most dangerous area in Fanstyia but the entities are fine with it as they are mostly skilled. "Alright, what has been going on to us?" asked Arbor "Those Orcies have just interfered with us! I-i.." his voice trails off as his expression changes into a worried face as the anxiety begins creeping into Arbor's mind as he begins Hyperventilating as he saw disturbing thought in his eyes. 

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Avialeena asked. Arbor then somehow snapped out of it as if nothing ever happened. "Uhh, Can you explain what these mobs are?" asked Arbor as he got quite confused about what had happened a while ago. Avialeena sighs before explaining 

"These creatures that were attacking you are kinda known as Orcies. They are apparently from The Order Project, I heard about them for centuries somehow but I can't remember their plans as of right now" she started "Resa had alerted me when she saw you and Chandran getting caught by them, at least we saved you boys from them, especially the Orcie Leader. If it weren't for me and Resa, you guys would have been caught" continued Avialeena as Resa went near her and then looked at her. "I sure hope the others aren't hurt or anything and I also don't want these trees within this region destroyed, It would harm the environment.." worried Arbor, holding one hand on his green hood and fixing his leaf on it. 

While this is all happening, Over at another nearby part of Wandalond, ComplacaPat is with an army of Orcies as they are spying on the trio. He specifically glued his eye on Chandran because Princess Obidia ordered him to capture the humanoid alien.  "You'll be under the grasp of The Order Project soon you alien entity with these 2 hearts and 4 livers of yours" he chuckled a little as if he was excited to have fun with a smirk on his face "You all must stay quiet, we are going to make this thing a Surprise! If they hear us, it would ruin it!" "But what if we do ruin it?" one Orcie asked with its hand raised, causing ComplacaPat to turn his head to that Orcie before grabbing it with his arm "Let's say... Something bad will happen you goons" he quietly chuckled "You are clones and if you fail TOP. the Princess will finish your usefulness and turn you into a stuffie and will be thrown into the HUGE vault of other Orcies who are stuffi-" he paused as he realizes that he had shouted when mentioning the Huge Vault. "Now look what you made me do!" ComplacaPat complained, rolling his red and blue eyes. 

Arbor hears ComplacaPat's voice and narrows his eyes behind him to hear who he just heard "Did you guys just... hear someone shouting?" he asked while pulling out his Green Knife and pointing it to where the sound was. Arbor gets even more suspicious when the bush is rustling as he goes closer. ComplacaPat begins to regret shouting "Oh God... that Tree is approaching" he resides before he thinks of making the Orcies do something about this situation "You guys gotta get rid of dat tree!" with that, a load of Orcies begins appearing out of nowhere.  one of them suddenly throws a metal pike that immediately hits Arbor's arm. he winced as Avialeena and Chandran ran towards him to see if his arm was right "Arbor, is your arm okay?" asked Avialeena as she looked at the forestian's wooden arm and noticed a little scratch that also torn a tiny amount of his long-sleeve. 

Avialeena looks at the Orcie who threw the pike and narrows her eyes as she pulls out her sapient light-blue angelic axe which has wings on it as if it was some kind of bird but as an object. She then pointed the Axe in front of a few Orcies in a threatening way "Did you idiots just attack my bestie!" accused Avialeena as she stepped closer to the Orcies while she fluttered one of her wings a little in seriousness "Can you please tell the truth why Arbor's arm is scratched, well a little" The Orcies remain silent as if they refuse to answer Avialeena and her question. 

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