Episode 18: Zodiac Pact vs The Order Project

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"Where would they be? It may've been minutes or even hours since we've tried to find these stones," wondered Avialeena, riding on Varnota due to her legs feeling tired already after walking through the many hallways and rooms. Avialeena's voice echoed through the empty corridors, her frustration mingling with the eerie silence of the ancient structure. The walls, adorned with faded tapestries and intricate carvings, seemed to whisper secrets of the past. The air was thick with dust, each breath carrying the scent of age and forgotten memories.

Varnota,  both imposing and protective, tries his best to be rode on. His steps were steady but cautious, his eyes darting around as if expecting danger to lurk in every shadow. He could still feel the cold, oppressive air of the cell he had once been trapped in, the memory sending a shiver down his spine despite the warmth of Avialeena's presence.

Finally, they reached the domain room. The massive doors creaked open with an almost reluctant groan, revealing a magic round table, a few weapons, and a cell. Varnota can severely remember the cell specifically as he was trapped in it some time ago

Varnota hesitated at the threshold, his normally steady demeanour faltering as memories of his imprisonment flooded back. He could almost feel the cold iron bars around him, hear the distant echoes of his own voice calling out for help that never came. Avialeena, sensing his unease, tightened her grip on his shoulders, her touch a silent reassurance. "Stay close," Arbor said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "We don't know what might be waiting for us in here."

They stepped into the room, their footsteps (or in Varnota's case, his hooves) echoing off the marble floor. The air was colder here than usual, and an unnatural stillness hung over the space, as if the room itself was holding its breath.

Avialeena's eyes were drawn to the center of the room, where a roundtable stood. On it lay the mystical seven stones, their surfaces shimmering with a light that seemed to come from within. She felt a surge of hope, but also a pang of apprehension. The stones were within reach, but she knew that claiming them would not be without its challenges.

"Are those the stones we're trying to find?" Varnota asked, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and fear.

"I believe they are, judging by the colours" Arbor replied, taking a cautious step forward. "But we must be careful. There's a reason they've remained stolen for a while."

They approached the roundtable, the air seemed to grow thicker, every movement requiring more effort. Avialeena could feel a presence, a watchful gaze that seemed to follow their every step. She glanced at Varnota, his face pale but resolute, and then at Arbor, whose eyes were fixed on the stones with a determined intensity.

"This is it," Arbor said, reaching out a hand. "Stay alert. We don't know what will happen when we take them." Arbor's hand hovered mere inches from the first stone when a sharp pain shot through the room, followed by the sound of metal piercing flesh. Varnota reared, a thunderous cry escaping his lips as a dart embedded itself in his front hoove. Blood trickled down the noble creature's leg, staining the marble floor with crimson. Avialeena's heart pounded in her chest as panic threatened to consume her. Arbor's hand, frozen in mid-air, clenched into a fist. Before they could react, a figure emerged from the shadows, their silhouette sharp against the ethereal glow of the stones. It was Obidia, her eyes gleaming with a sinister light. A crossbow was slung over her shoulder, the same weapon that had injured Varnota.

 "Look what we have here. A reunion.." the princess taunted in a deadpanned way, her six eyes staring at the Virgo, Taurus, and Sagittarius bearers "And why are you out of that cell where beasts like you belong?" she continued, walking closer to Varnota. 

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