Ten | Gemma

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We are out of ideas and out of time.

Our stylist puts the finishing touches on my gown, sewing a few pearls down properly and securing a loose piece of lace. The light blue with lace overlay is not really doing it for me, but neither is being married to the most atrocious person I can think of, so it's fitting.

"I'm sorry," Erica says, hanging her head and playing with a piece of fabric at the edge of her bodice. "I really thought we got through to him."

"It was a longshot anyway," I sigh, forcing a smile in her direction. "And at least I'll have you and maybe Enzo around for a while to keep me company. I'll be the queen. Who even needs to spend time with the man they're married to, right?"

It's a good thing I never wanted to be an actress. A really good thing.

"Maybe we can convince father to delay things," Erica offers feebly.

"Oh, yes," I joke. "And maybe we can balance a camel on your head and teach it to do magic tricks."

"That would actually be pretty cool," she says, looking up and pretending to hold a large camel in her arms. "I'd be okay with that, actually."

We laugh, and for a second it feels like it always has. Just the two of us enjoying life and not worrying about our future. I'm thrown back to our childhood when Mother would play pirates and zookeeper and everything under the sun with us.

"Remember what Mom always used to say?" I ask out of nowhere, causing Erica to pull my hand in with hers and hug me as much as our small-car-sized skirts will allow.

"You are special because you're you, not because you were born where you were," she answers easily.

"And you'll do great things. No matter who you grow up to be," I finish.

I wonder sometimes if she really believed that. Or if she just meant it to be inspirational for two girls whose whole lives were so controlled by media requirements and bodyguards and personal butlers and nannies.

"Do you really think she believed we could make a difference, no matter what we grew up to be?" Erica muses. "Or do you think she was just setting us up for what was bound to happen if Father got his way and ran the country into the ground?"

"Erica!" I exclaim. "I've never heard you say anything so uncharitable towards our parents before."

"It has to be said," she says, looking at me through the mirror. "I don't regret it."

She pauses for a second before adding. "I like that we look like fire and ice."

I stare at our reflections in the mirror. Her delicate orange dress has a gold overlay because she's allowed to wear what she wants and I have to look 'accidentally bridal' for my 'unplanned engagement announcement'.

Cue barf. For real.

A knock at the door tells us everything we need to know. Antonio hasn't come and Santino has arrived.

"It's time, Your Highnesses," he calls through the door. He will wait to be allowed entry. He's never forgotten that rule since the day he walked in on Erica wearing nothing but her undergarments. He was beet red for a week.

"Maybe we could run," Erica offers. "I think Enzo knows some people who would hide us."

"Yes, running would be such a good idea. Giving Father the opportunity to announce my elopement is just so much better than the alternatives." I roll my eyes dramatically. "Plus, if I'm going to be married off, even if it is to that insufferable man, I'm going to be the one to announce it. It's my life. I'm going to take some control back."

Don't Want to be Queen | ONC 2023 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now