Chapter 12.

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Polly's POV

I woke up to the sound of a man pleading and crying downstairs ...I rushed down but making sure they don't see me, my stomach twisted when I saw Arcel holding a gun to a man's head, he looked so angry, he looked like nothing in the world could stop him. The man pleaded for his life, he begged Arcel, but Arcel won't budge. I'm glad Michelle is at a friend's house. I held my heart realizing how fast it's beating, I close my eyes tightly and try to calm myself as fear washed over me.

I slowly approach them...trying my best not to cause to much attention to myself.

I knew that Arcel was like in a wierd business but I guess this part never crossed my mind. I never thought I'd see this...but there's a first time for everything.

I accidentally made a noise on the third stair I took and everyone looked up at me with strange eyes. I couldn't help but whimper, the attention was overwhelming plus these man had no expression what so ever. Arcel however, didn't even turn, he just kept the gun there, pointing to that man's head.

I walked towards him, not caring about the eyes on me , not caring about the disapprovals on everyone's face. I walked to him and stood there, right next to him, I didn't say a word, I just stood there and prayed for my life.

"Arcel" I whisper knowing he won't budge.

"Arcel" I say a bit louder hoping for a reaction.

"Arcel trust me... please, don't do this, not here, not in front of me" I pleaded. It took him a minute before tucking his gun back into his pants. He nods to one of the guys in the house and he takes the guy away. Arcel looks down to my shorts and has a uneasy facial expression.

"Go change...or stay in the room" he commands and I give him a confused look.

"Uhh...excuse me? I can wear anything I want" I say crossing my hands challenging him. Most of the people in the room are shocked.

"Don't make me ask you again" he warns, emphasizing all his words, making sure I understand. I was scared for a second but then mastered the courage to stand my ground.

"Don't make tell you again, NO" He looked me dead In the eyes and whispers went around inthe room, my heart was beating rather quickly.

"Polly...Get... The...Fuck... Out... now" He said , speaking slowly making sure his every word comes out clear. He looked at me fiercely, I was obviously scared but I refused to be intimidated by him.

" Fuck you" i say, i'm pregnant with his child i want to see what he could possibly do to me. My thoughts are cut short when he grabs my neck.

" Arcel " i manage to say, barely able to breathe everyone in the room is advising him to think about the baby.

"LEAVE!" He barks out, all the people start to scatter but I could tell some of them were concerned about what he'll do to me, but I refused to fall victim to his intimidating voice.

"You too" he says finally let's go of my neck, I stare at him with tears I'd been trying to hold back. I immediately turn around and start heading for the door, I don't pack anything, I just want to leave.

"Hey...please take this" Minny, Arcels right hand man hands me the stack of money.Obviously i wanted to refuse but i couldn't, I'm being chased out with baby.

So initially i take the cash and go. I went to find Michelle at the friends house, she wasn't there. I checked the salon she's always at, not there either. I tried her phone, nothing. I asked a couple of her friends but all of them had no clue they all said, she wasn't around all day.

I started to panic, I wanted to believe that maybe she's somewhere just having fun or something, but that's not like her, she doesn't do stuff like this, never.

I didn't know what to do, where to go. Just then, someone pulled up, one of Arcels people, without hesitation, I went in, I didn't have a choice, I need to find my sister, and I have a feeling they could help with that.

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