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For a few days Karin lived with me. I constantly tried to kill the kid while sleeping. Looks like I hate Sasuke so much. Or else who would try to kill their own child? Maybe I didn't want her to lead a life like Sayuri. But after some days I stopped to kill her. I was being comfortable around her. Since she reminds me of Sayuri I named her the same name. Sayuri Uchiha. It was like she was watching me through my child. After being able to mingle with her I started a new life. Now I have a reason to live. Yes I have protect my child. She easily ace with her uncles.
Must be her Uchiha genes or whatever she was a genius. Even though she was only 8 months old she has started to talk some things like Mama, Itata,Kura like that. Since she was an Uchiha Itachi one day brought me to the Uchiha's secret temple for telling me about some of their jutsus. While I was checking out the place he ducked out without me noticing. As my inspection progressed I heard my name being called from behind. I didn't pay much attention since I thought it was Itachi. The voice got near me by each passing time. When I realised that it wasn't Itachi it was too late. The person already pinned me to the wall. I tried myself to escape from that grip. But it was too tight just like that night. With a horror I recognized the person. He was none other than my child's father. "Sasuke. What are you doing here? " "It should be my question you fake. But since you didn't answer me I had to force you".Fake? Hey I am real. I wasn't seeing his face since I was facing the wall. So he turned me around and slammed me onto the wall really hard that I moan because of pain. "Now tell me what is a dead person doing here? ". I just looked at him confused because I had no idea what he is babbling about. "When I went to Konoha they told me you were dead". Understanding my confusion he explained. "I wasn't dead. But if I stayed there I would be". I faced the wall since I can't meet his intense glance. How will I last before him? What if I spill out that I had his child? Will he took her away from me? Or is he an ally of leaf now? If he goes back now I will be doomed. I have to stop him. Releasing from his dead grip I attacked at him. He was so catched up in our battle that he didn't notice Itachi behind him. By the help of Itachi I was able to defeat him. Now back to the village....

This is how Sayuri (Naruto's child) look like now:

This is how Sayuri (Naruto's child) look like now:

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My father (Sasunaru 🌚🌞) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now