Chapter 2: The Best Day of our Lives.

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(Trip's POV)
We walked down the streets of Silver Hills until we reached a dirt road that went down hill,
"This place is familiar" I say
"I know" Wes simply says as we make our way down the hill and on to... A beach?
"We're on a beach?" I ask
"Not just any beach" Wes says
"Wait you mean..." I start 'this can't be' I think to myself
"Yep... This is the same beach we went to on our very first date" he says answering my unsaid question... And there you go what did I say about surprises he's the best at them
"Wait what's that?" I ask pointing to what looks like a picnic blanket
"Oh that... That's the main surprise" Wes says and all I can do is stand there in pure shock as a blush crosses my face
"Come on Trip" he says grabbing my hand and walking us over to the blanket

Once we were seated on the blanket Wes laid us down and pulled me into his chest
"I love you Trip" He says
"I love you to Wes" I say back and I snuggle into him
"Remember when we first came here... We shared our first kiss" Wes says
"Yeah... It was the first time I felt legitimately happy" I say
"First time?" Wes asks
"Yeah... Anytime before that I was always scared, shy and not as confident but now that's different" I say
"Ever since we started dating?" He asks
"Yeah... You make me happy" I say "that sounds selfish doesn't it" I finish
"No it doesn't it's completely understandable" Wes says and he turns me so my face is looking at his
"What?" I ask
"Nothing cutie" he says and he pulls me close and soon our lips met and we enter a passionate kiss but it doesn't  last that long and when he pulls away I moan at the lose of contact and then I blush because of what I just did
"Your so cute when you blush" Wes says
"I am?" I ask
"Yes" Wes simply says and we continue to cuddle on the beach for the rest of the afternoon
(Wes's POV)
Now it's late afternoon and the sun is setting over the water and as I look down at Trip I see his eyes are closed and he has a faint snore which might I say it so cute... But then I realise how late it must be getting,
"Trip wake up?" I say shaking him a bit
"Whaa?" Trip grunts opening his eyes
"It's getting late" I say
"It is?" Trip ask
"Yeah come on let's get back to the Clock Tower" I say getting up off of the blanket and putting my hands out to help Trip up which he takes
"Thank you" he says standing dusting himself off and I pack up the picnic blanket and we walk back to the dirt road

Once we arrived at the dirt road we made our way back to home which in truth isn't that far from the Clock Tower
"Thanks for an amazing day" Trip says
"Anytime my love" I say and we make our way onto our street and then the strangest thing happens...

... Rainbow lightning shoots from a crack in the ground making us stop walking and then the path in front lights up in a rainbow and as soon as it appeared it disappears
"That was weird" Trip says
"Sure was" I say and as we walk to the Tower I look back and see the path section glow again and I'm left thinking 'what the hell?' But I'm pulled from my thoughts as we arrive at the Tower
"We're home" I say
"Yep" Trip says
"Let's go to our room" I say and Trip smiles and nods as we make our way inside locking the door behind us and making our way up stairs to our room

"Tired Trip?" I ask
"Yeah... Today was the best" Trip says
"I know... Try to get some sleep" I say and Trip takes off his shoes, hat and jacket before he climbs into the bed and the instant his head hits the pillow he's out like a light and not long after I do the same... Taking off my button up shirt and my shoes before climbing into bed and not before long I'm asleep to.


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