Chapter 13: Love Knows No Bounds.

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(Wes's POV)
The day started with the sun shining into our room... Today looks so much more peaceful then before and when I look over I see Trip still sound asleep and since 'last night' was so massive and important I leave him to sleep in so I make my way out of our room quietly and down the stairs,
"Morning" I say
"Morning Wes" Eric and Lucas say
"Morning" Jen and Katie say
"What are you guys up to?" I ask
"Figuring out things" Lucas says
"Like what?" I ask
"Umm..." Lucas starts
"What?" I ask

"Promise not to be mad?" Katie asks
"Depends of what your doing" I say
"We're looking into... Trip's past" Jen says
"Guys I told you to not push it... He'll tell us when he wants to" I say "now I'm going to shower and when Trip gets up I'm taking him out so when that happens don't scare him with questions ok" I say and they nod as I make my way up stairs

When I walk into the bathroom I close the door and 'lock it' before getting undressed and turning on the shower
'I hope Trip will enjoy today' I think
(Trip's POV)
I woke up with the sun in my face and pain across my body and I instantly sit up and remember the events that took place... 'I'm free, free from DreamCrushers torture' I think to myself before getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom

When I get to the bathroom I open the door I'm surprised that it easily opened since it sounds like someone's in there
"Trip that you?" I hear Wes's voice ask
"Yeah" I say "how did you know it was me?" I ask
"Because I know you wouldn't walk in here without knowing who's in here" he explains and I blush... It's true I did know he was in here
"You gonna stand there or are you gonna join me?" He asks
"Ok" I say walking over to make sure the door is properly locked before getting undressed and joining Wes
After we finish showering we get dressed and make our way down stairs to find the others sitting in front of the TV watching the news of all things,
"Why are you watching the news?" I ask
"Watch and see" Lucas says and we do as he says
"Welcome back to Silver Hills News 24 and our top story is Bio Labs and the explosion that occurred in the underground car park late last night..." The report started
"Wait wasn't there a break in?" Eric asks
"I think time occupied the empty space of the missing people and our robbery of Bio Labs with another event" Jen says
"Wait you robbed Bio Labs?" I ask
"In a time line that never happened yes" she says
"Reports suggest a petroleum tanker truck delivering to the building exploded due to pressure from the underground space... In other news the first Solar Collector Satellite has completed it's first orbit of earth in full active duty, The satellite was launched 1 month ago to test the planets orbital Status..." The reporter says
"Petroleum Truck?" Katie asks
"Looks like the first robbery of Bio Labs is an explosion now" I say
"Yeah and that solar satellite thing reminds of reverse earth" Wes says
"I bet it does" I say smiling
"Trip I thought that portal would send us back to before you guys were taken" Jen says
"No when I said before any of it happened I meant before the tower was taken... The energy left on the people allowed for them to be transported back also, any occupant of this building would go with it" I explain
"But what about the Cryo-reset?" Lucas asks
"Cryo-reset helped transportation plus it was the main reason we all pinged back to our original locations, all those people taken lost the memory of what happened and since the tower was at the eye we weren't affected" I explain
"Let's not talk about this any more" Wes says and we nod
"Come on I want to take you somewhere" Wes says
"Where?" I ask
"It's a surprise" he says again I know it's gonna be good and we make our way out of the tower.

When we leave the tower we hope on Wes's bike putting our helmets on before Wes starts the bike and pulls out.

This is gonna be epic... I just know it!


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