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"So you're telling me, that you left Arabella, and fucked"
"You left the first ever event you organised and got yourself fucked and that too too an international one, where even the president of korea was there"
"Well when you put it like that-"
"Choi Yeonjun what is wrong with you?!"

Truth to be told, I don't know what's wrong with me, yes, it's true, I left in between the event that I worked so hard on, just so that I could go and get wrecked by Soobin, not that I didn't like it, just that now I can't walk and am having to deal with a very, very annoying Wooyoung, also known as, my secretary. Here's the thing, I have known Wooyoung my entire life, we are practically brothers from different mothers, and as much as I love him, he knows me too well, which means he will know even if a single stand of hair grows on my buttcheeks. And ofcourse he would notice if I was walking like I had just run a marathon.
"Why are you wearing a turtle neck today?"
"I- uh- felt like it, they are in fashion these days"
"Are u kidding me?"
"You're telling me you are wearing a black, long sleeve turtle on day burning hot day like today, for fashion?"
"Yeonjun-ah don't lie to me"
"I swear I am not!"
"Ok, then explain why you are limping"
"I am not limping"
"You are"
"No- "
"Yeonjun, baby I might be you're secretary now, but I have known you since we were in diapers and I know for a fact that you don't walk like that"
Wooyoung is observative and sharp, one of the reasons why I kept him as my secretary but he is also persistent and nosy, which is, at the moment, is quite annoying.
"Also why are you-"
"Woo, I swear we can discuss this anywhere but here, it's my office for God's sake"
"Sure I definitely won't ask why I see something purple, peeping from your turtle neck"
"Shit- is it showing, Where!?"
His eyes slowly narrow into thin lines and his press up a smile
"Got you bitch!"
It's only then do I realise that the fucker was playing with me
"Ok, ok, now switching to secretary mode, so, you have a meeting at 2pm with....."
Basically I have been having to deal with ripped out ass and a detective Wooyoung all throughout the morning. And it sure as hell doesn't make it any easier when people-
"Yes Mrs, Jang?"
"Here is the report you asked"
"Ah yes, thank you"
"May i ask something?"
"Yea sure"
"Sir are you hurt somewhere?"
"Uh- no, I am fine why-"
"Its just that you are limping, pretty bad"
When people ask questions more obvious than a chimpanzee dancing on a dining table.
I heard a snort coming from behind me, which was definitely Wooyoung, but I decided to ignore it.
"Uh- yeah I just- kind of fell from the stairs"
"Oh, ok Sir please take care"
After she walks away I finally let my smile drop and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"I fElL fRoM tHe StrAirS~"
"Woo I swear-"
"Cut it sweetie, I know what ya did last night. I am in a relationship too you know"
He gives a quick wink and with that he runs away, leaving me to wonder, why he was my bestfriend for over  ten years now. Afterall, he was the reason Soobin got jealous and pulled me over. But right now, I have to figure out how to go to the meeting, with a limping leg, turtle neck, and a  deep blush without giving any suggestive vibes

"And so, with that we conclude that the stocks would be higher with this partnership. Thank you everyone, you may all leave now"
"Um- exuse me sir"
"Yes, Ms Moon?"
"Um- I was just wondering whether you were alright"
I swear I heard that question over a million times today
"Yea, I am fine, why?"
"Its just you have been limping the whole day, I am little worried"
"Oh- yea- no, no, I am fine-"
"Seems like they went rough yes-"
"WOOYOUNG, I would rather if you kept quiet"
"Sir Choi, do you need medical help or-"
"No, Ms Moon, I am fine, I swear"
"Ok then"
It only takes seconds after she walks away when
"Woo for once could be quiet, I don't want my office to know of my personal matters"
"Sure, personal matters in the sense details of your fuck life-"
"Ok, ok, geez, fine"
"And c'mon she was just being nice, she does not have a crush on me
"Ohh no, she definitely has a crush on you"
"She is just a-"
Before I could complete my sentence, I heard a voice from behind me, the deep yet soft voice. the same voice which made me moan for him yesterday night. Yes ofcourse, the man for all my troubles had to come visit my office on the worst day possible aka the day everyone is asking me about my turtle neck or the limping leg
"Who has a crush on jun?"
Great question for a conversation starter
"Soobin? When did you get here-"
"Oh my god Doobin ssi, nice to meet you! I am Wooyoung"
Yea except for beomgyu, if there is any person who would dare to challenge the devil himself, it would definitely be Wooyoung
"Nice to meet you too, I am Soobin"
"So, tell me, is our dear Yeonjunie still good at sex? You know cause he hasn't been laid in while-"
"JUNG WOOYOUNG!" As if his vulgar way of a conversation starter wasn't enough, I could see Soobin actually continue the conversation.
"Actually he was pretty good, you know his hole was nice and tigh-"
My eyes nearly bulge out from utter shock of where the conversation was heading to.
We were in my office for fucks sake, the place where people respect me, I definitely did not want to discuss the efficiency of my sex in my work haven. The fact that these two bitches even had the audacity to talk shit like that in front of everyone as if they were discussing daily news over tea.
"Ok, now that my point has been proved I will let you love birds talk, imma leave"
"No woo you have to-"
Shit i knew that tone. The same tone which landed me on my ass yesterday night.
"Yea? Hi Soobin, how are you?"
Oh my god, was that the only thing I could think of to say?
"Jun, now tell me, who has a crush on you"
"Oh- it's no one-"
"Wooyoung that bastard-"
Before words came out of my mouth, his hand grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the crowed staff office and led me straight into the storeroom. And the moment the door shut, his arms closed around me, trapping my small frame, into his larger one.
"Now that we have a little privacy, tell me jun"
"T-ell what?"
"Whom do you belong to?"
" I belong to myself ofcourse"
His face screamed dissapointment, he stepped away form me the cold air soon hitting me like a storm. He shake his head as if I just gave the wrong answer during a revision and I scoff at, I mean, he could make me scream all he wants but I would never give up my dignity for a man like-
"Wrong answer baby" I swear to God his voice dropped a few decibels, making it sound sinister, as if it was the devil himself that spoke and for some odd reason, my body shivers at the thought of him being mad at me.
"Jun, do I have to remind you again?
You belong to me baby, the marks on your necks should be a reminder, shouldn't they?"
He slowly steps towards me, and I instinctively take a step back, until I could feel my back press against the cold cement wall, and his breath fanning over my clothed neck.
"Why have you covered my marks Jun? They indicate something. They indicate that you are mine"
"Since when?"
He suddenly closes the gap between us as his arms wrap securely around my waist and his leg parting my thighs, making my knees tremble.
"Since the day you moaned my name, as if your life depended on it"
His knee slowly moves up, reaching my member and starts to stroke it
"Soob- h-aah~"
My plea was cut off by my own moan of pleasure
"Do remember Jun, that pretty little mouth of yours, only looks good wrapped around my cock, and not while denying me"
His hand slowly starts to unbutton my pabts when
holy crap
I totally forgot that this storeroom door does not open once closed and ofcourse soobin had to choose this one specific storeroom to fucking makeout, that too, during my office hours
"Uh, Soobin?"
"Jun don't tell me-"
"The door is sealed tight, which means we are stuck inside a storeroom with no ventilation and rock hard boners"
"Oh hell no"
"Could you really not have found another storeroom to fuck?"
"Its my first time visiting, I didn't know that this would trap us in"
"First time visiting and you were all ready to fuck the owner?"
"That's a problem? I could make you scream for me last night and by-"
Was it always this hot in here?
"Ok just shut up"
His lips slowly curve into a vicious smirk "Sure jun"
"Screw you"
He slowly laughs and walks towards me with the stealth of a panther, each step echoing throughout the room. I feel a lump in my throat about to form from the tension in this room.
"Its just you and me baby. This room is locked from the outside, and I don't mind it so you certainly don't wanna mess with me"
I feel the oxygen in my lungs cut out as his tounge glides down my cheeks, tracing every bit of my face
"I love the way you taste jun, I wouldn't mind if your office heard of whom you belong to"
"Shut up"
"I thought you liked when my tounge swirled around you tight little whole while you-"
He takes another step closer to me slowly caging me in with his predatory stare
"Stop what baby?"
"Stop staring at me like that"
"I can't"
"You look tasty"
I feel the blood rushing to the wrong head once again. For some reason I could never talk to this man without having my face look like a boiled tomato.
"Are you going to flirt with me the whole time we are stuck here?"
"With you my phrases naturally seem to mold themselves as compliments, and I can't quite fathom the reason why"
Was he being serious?
Well two can play the game
This time I withdraw my back from the wall  taking a step forward, and reducing the gap further.
"Well maybe its because the feel my body, against yours, never left your mind since that night, did it?"
Our gazes lock, holding it together like a competition. My gaze filled with competence and challenge and his filled with lust and desire. If we kept at it, we would never get out of here until sundown but I don't back down and as far as I know, neither does he.
The tension was thick, and I mean thicker than your ass, but before anyone could comprehend what was happening, our lips crash with force mightier than gravity.
My soft lips against his,
His rough hands gripping my waist
Pushing me against the wall, as I feel the fabric of my shirt scrape against the wall.
He tastes of leather and mint.
A combo I never knew could make me moan for it,
But here I am, letting this man, ruin me inside out and turn my life upside down.
"You drive me crazy jun"

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