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I as happy these past few days. Ever since that day at Soobin's apartment, we have developed, a somewhat mutual, friendship. We longer fight and our rugular dates on Saturdays have been kind of like a fun hangout for us. Its probably the most progress we have made in these three months. But ofcourse, since the heavens like throwing bombshells in my life, i am surprised-
"Sir, we discussed over the details, in the previous conference and you said it was a good idea, so we have already sent out the invitations"
"I agreed to hosting the Arabella meet up?!"
"Yes sir"
"AND said it was a good idea?!"
"Yes sir"
Never ask the universe questions, you don't want the answers to
The Arabella Meet Up was the most legendary and important meet up in the business world. It takes place every four years and is attended by thousands of politicians, businessmen, media from all over the world. This is the perfect event to make deals, partnerships and business proposals, thus is the most important event for every single company in the world. This year they decided to host it in Seoul and Choi Corps was given an option to host. This was the topic of their previous conference, the same conference where I was busy daydreaming about Soobin and so I blindly agreed to hosting the event. Ofcourse it was good opportunity for the company since it would increase their sales by 94% but the thing was, the world keeps an eye on this event, which means everyone one from a simple citizen to the president of korea will be expecting a lot from the host, and oh, I, Choi Yeonjun just so happened to be the host. If I messed this up, it will affect the entire company, which meant my hardwork of all these years will go to vain.
"Sir, when shall we start with the planning of the event?"
"Ms. Jang please give me a moment"
I need to process this new found info
"Ofcourse sir, I will be waiting outside"
I need to prepare this event,
Handle the new partnership with Japan
Renew the contract with Syppers
Recruit new employees for the development team
And seal the deal with the fashion magazine
Just in 3 weeks
I fucking love my life.


As much as I would like to pretend I don't notice anything, I can't bring myself to do it. Because when a man already had two nose bleeds in front of you, anyone would be compelled to ask.
"Jun, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yea, yea don't worry, it's fine just, a lot work these days"
"I am sure if you were fine you wouldn't be having two nosebleeds in a row"
We currently sitting in a garden of an amusement park for our weekly date and Yeonjun decided it would be a good idea to bring his laptop to the date. He is gonna work on a fucking date
Previously when my mother had tried to set me up with girls, I wouldn't give a shit about what my date was doing, I only ever went to show courtesy, but now I care about what he is doing and how he hasn't even looked at me, from the moment we arrived. And that honestly bothers me a little.
"Listen, Jun, I appreciate your dedication to your job and I know this not even a real date but mind, taking your eyes of the computer for a moment?"
"Sure" He says without taking his eyes of the computer. At this point I have had enough. I knew that Choi Corps had been given the responsibility to host Arabella and I very well know how big of a responsibility it really is, but I didn't think he would be so worried about it, well then again, this is Yeonjun we are talking about.
"Hello? Yes Ms. Jang, yea I need the tables to be ordered from- WOAH SOOBIN PUT ME DOWN! No- no- Ms. Jang that wasn't for you, OH MY GOSH PUT ME DOWN CHOI SOOBIN!"
I must admit it is pretty easy to pick him up even after all his protests. Yes, I could not bear another second of his boring party arrangements I had to do something and for some reason me picking him up always leaves him flustered, which I don't mind because flustered a Yeonjun is a cute Yeonjun and a cute Yeonjun is fun to tease
"Soobin put me down! I have a lot to take care of-"
"Have you eaten since morning?"
"I- what?- no, i haven't"
"Tell me the last time you ate"
"I- *sighs* don't remember"
"But Soobin-"
"Jun, listen to me, fuck the date and fuck Arabella right now, you are with your boyfriend and that indicates that you could use a break from your computer"
"You are in my arms, which means you do what I say"
"Where are we even going-"
"You'll see"
"Put me down at least"
I meant every word, the guy doesn't even remember when he ate, and he already weighs like paper. I don't even know why I want to see him eat in front of me, to make sure that his pretty little body is never deprived of energy or food. I don't know why but I am starting to care, about him, a little too much for my liking and the worst part is, I can't control the way I feel about him. That scares me a little.
Also the fact that I  am taking him to the one place which has many fond memories of mine, memories which I hold dear to my heart. I want him to know that place, the place which has always managed to bring me peace
The beach

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