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Safe to say, the weekend I spent with Soobin is the most blissful weekend I have ever had. We spent a lot of time talking, watching movies, playing games and well mostly fucking and eating each other out.
These past few days that I have spent with him, have practically skyrocketed my mood to the happiest level that it could get to. He makes me feel so precious, its honestly surprising.
However my bliss came to a dramatic end when mom almost disowned me because I forgot to wish her a happy birthday.
In my defence, one, I was on such a pleasure high with Soobin that I forgot a world existed beyond just us two. Second, I thought my parents wouldn't be home for another week. Obviously I was wrong, so I had to make it up by taking her out on an extensive shopping spree.
Told you, Choi Yena was born to be a dramacist. Anyways, since I had to be torn apart from Soobin so suddenly after he gave me the best two days, I decided to surprise him with a little dinner date at his place because I know he gets off early today.
And yes, I am guilty of having memorised his schedule by heart.
I know his password since I have been here a few times. I enter the house and am hit by his familiar scent of wood and whiskey. Thats the one of the many things I find hot about him
His smell
He just smells so masculine, its impossible not to feel horny with his scent alone, the familiar need for vieny hands inside me, fucking me senseless arises again with surprising ferocity
My ass doesn't know its limits. I am so sore from yesterday and the day before that I couldn't even sit properly the entire day but I still want more. At this point, I don't even care about being sore, I just want him to fuck me. He made me addicted to him, which I am certainly not complaining about.

Keeping my utterly horny thoughts aside, I blast some Chase Atlantic music and start to set up the dinner table by laying a beautiful green table clothe, arranging the wine glasses, the candles and finally the food that I prepared myself at home. Soobin is always making me food when I am here so thought I would make some for him too.  I was almost done when I realised, I forgot to bring matches for the candle. They must be somewhere around here, so I go to look around his kitchen drawers . First one was fillied with cuttlery, second had salt, pepper and condoms in them
Fucking condoms
Is this man mentally unstable?
I mean I get it, since we had plenty of sex in the kitchen but condoms with salt?
Sighing, I finally open the third drawer and as expected found the matches but beside that I notice a half folded picture, the visible part of which shows Soobin as a little boy, intrigued by it thinking it was some core memory of his childhood, I unfold the picture. I wish i never did, because that exact moment, my worlds turns upside down when I see her
The woman who tortured me for days,
The woman who haunted me for years,
The woman who made my entirelife a misery,
Time stops ticking for me and all I hear is the ringing of her voice in my ears
"C'mon Yeonie lets play hide n seek
I will find you~"
No. no no no no
"Yeonie you can't hide from me~"
Her eerie voice echoes from within me as if I am still the boy stuck in the basement, lying helpless on the floor,
Left to die
"C'mon Yeonie lets play hide n seek
I will find you~"
My head starts spinning as the familiar need to hide rushes through me. My head turns frantically to find a place to hide, my body reacts before my brain can think and I rush underneath the table and curl into the smallest form I can get into. Orelse she will find me
She will hit me
She will hurt my parents if I don't oblige
Memories from that night flood into me, fresh and raw, ready to tear me apart and put me to pieces only to rip open my heart again. Her haunting smile has etched itself like a piece of skin and I can nearly feel the burn of her slap across my cheek, the hit of her baseball bat and those cracked, grey lips that curved themselves up into a smile everytime she saw me cry. The vividness of the situation doesn't help, as I start screaming for help, expecting no one to find me like that night. My head bangs against the table and the champagne bottle falls and shatters to pieces, the spilt wine looking like fresh blood, sending another wave of shock through me. My entire body feels jittery but i have to run. She'll find me and hit me.
I have to run
I have to hide.
I crawl my way towards the main door, pieces of glass pricking into my skin but I couldn't care. I rattle the door handle vigorously in a desperate attempt to open it
Why wont it open?
It has to open
Orelse she will find me, hit me
Common sense leaves my body as I pick up a flower vase from living room and smash it on the handle. Finally the handle breaks and the door opens.
It doesn't matter that the vase turned my palms into a bleeding mess
It doesn't matter that my knees are scraped or that my shoes are missing
Nothing matters
Now all I have to do is run
And run, I do
Out of Soobin's complex and into the traffic packed streets of Seoul.
I run like my life is on the line
Because if she catches me again, its game over

I made y'all wait a lot
Sry :)

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