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As the party continued, Luke suddenly announced that he wanted to play a game of Truth or Dare. Y/N, Mattheo, Pansy, Amber, and Draco all gathered around.Luke explained the rules of the game, stating that they would be taking truth serum before it started to ensure that everyone would tell the truth.

the game started:

pansy asks Amber truth or dare, amber hesitating at first picks truth. Pansy then asks " who is the hottest person here. And since Amber had drank truth serum she blurts "DRACO". everyone starts to laugh and then amber asks me truth or dare, not wanting want happened to amber happen to me i say dare. Amber says to sitting in luke's lap, your jaw drops but you say "dare is a dare" and make your way to luke as you were walking you catch a death stare from mattheo.

As you perch on his lap He then pulls me in close by covering my waist with his arms. The question "What are you doing?" I whisper to him. You should be seated on my lap, not my knees, He whispers in a raspy voice that sends goosebumps down my spine.

As you sit on Luke's lap, you can't help but feel a little nervous. You've always had a little crush on him, but now that you're this close, you feel like you might pass out. Luke seems to sense your unease and places a hand on your back, soothingly. "Relax," he whispers in your ear. "It's just a game." You nod and try to calm yourself down, but you can feel Mattheo's eyes on you the whole time. You know you'll have to explain things to him later, but for now, you're just enjoying the moment.


As Mattheo watches you sitting on Luke's lap, he feels a pang of jealousy but he can't quite place why. He knows you're just playing a game, but seeing you so close to Luke makes him uneasy. He tries to brush off the feeling, convincing himself that he doesn't like you in that way, but deep down, he knows he's lying to himself. As the game continues, Mattheo can't help but steal glances at you and Luke, hoping that the dare will be over soon. He knows he'll have to sort out his feelings soon, but for now, he'll just have to watch from the sidelines.


after a couple rounds it was mattheo turn, luke asked mattheo "truth or dare". Mattheo obviously picks truth scared to reveal any secrets. Luke tells him to make out with Pansy. Mattheo's eyes widen at Luke's request. He looks over at Pansy, who is grinning wickedly, and then back at Luke. "I don't think that's a good idea," he says, his voice a little shaky. Luke just smirks and says, "Come on, man. It's just a game. And besides, it's not like anyone here hasn't kissed before."

Mattheo sighs and reluctantly leans in towards Pansy. They share a brief, awkward kiss before pulling away. Pansy looks satisfied, but Mattheo just looks uncomfortable. Y/N can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, but she tries to push the feeling away. She reminds herself that she and Mattheo are in an arranged marriage, and that

doesn't have any real feelings for her. Still, she can't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him like that. She shakes her head, trying to clear the thought from her mind, and turns back to the game.

Draco leans back on the couch, a bored expression on his face as the game of truth or dare continues. "This game is getting old," he says, letting out a long sigh. "Let's spice things up a bit, shall we?" He suggests, a mischievous glint in his grey eyes. "How about we play seven minutes in heaven?" he suggests, a smirk playing on his lips. Some of the others exchange uncertain glances, but others seem intrigued by the idea. "Come on, don't be chicken," Draco taunts, egging them on. "It'll be fun. Who knows what might happen?" He winks, clearly enjoying the thrill of the game.

The group eventually agrees to play seven minutes in heaven, and they gather in a circle with a bottle in the middle. They take turns spinning the bottle, waiting with bated breath to see who it will land on. When it finally stops spinning, it points towards Hermione and Ron. The two exchange a nervous glance, but ultimately get up and make their way to the closet. As the door closes behind them, the rest of the group erupts in giggles and whispers. The tension in the air is palpable as they wait for the seven minutes to be up, wondering what might happen behind the closed door. When Hermione and Ron finally emerge, their faces are flushed, but they both seem to be smiling.

Now it was your turn to spin the bottle and it felt like forever and the bottle wasn't stopping but then it stop on Mattheo. He gets up and helps me up and I sigh but follow him to the closet.

As soon as the door of the closet closed behind you, Mattheo wasted no time in pulling you close and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was intense, his lips moving passionately against yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your own arms found their way around his neck as you kissed him back just as fiercely. The world outside the closet seemed to disappear as the two of you continued to kiss, lost in the moment.

As the seven minutes in the closet come to an end, the two of you pull away from each other, catching your breath. The game continues outside, but for a moment, it feels like time has stopped for the two of you. Mattheo looks at you with a mix of curiosity and desire, a smile playing on his lips. "I guess we should head back out there," he says, his hand lingering on yours for a moment before letting go. You nod, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion.

A/N: 1038 words

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