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skip to a couple days after the party 

It was a typical day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and we were all gathered in the Great Hall, chatting and enjoying our meals. Suddenly, the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, stood up, and everyone fell silent, wondering what important news he had to share 

Dumbledore announced that the school had accepted a few new students, even though it wasn't the usual time for admissions. 


Alexander Black played by gavin casalegno

 pure blood

 one of the new five boys who joined

 one of the new five boys who joined

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marcus brown played by Felix Mallard

 pure blood

one of the new five boys who joined 

one of the new five boys who joined 

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hunter stones played by unknown  

 pure blood 

one of the new five boys who joined 

theodore nott played by lorenzo zurzolo

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theodore nott played by lorenzo zurzolo


one of the new five boys who joined

one of the new five boys who joined

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tom riddle played by Christian Peter Coulson

half blood

leader and brother of mattheo 

leader and brother of mattheo 

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the boys all sit to be sorted and surprise, surprise they are in Slytherin. the boys make the was to our table and sit by mattheo who is sitting right in front me. they than start talking like they are best friend and thats when i realized the last guys name is "tom riddle" "THE TOM RIDDLE" like mattheo brother.

Mattheo gives tom a huge death stare, I started to get a feeling that mattheo doesn't like tom but not to lie I found tom pretty hot but also had this wired feeling like it was cold, HW WAS COLD AND HAD THIS SOUL LESS FACE.

the whole school had there eyes on the news boys like there were diamonds, it was mostly the girls. you could hear some of them whispering how hot the guys are. The new guys and mattheo left the great hall and i don't see them for a couple hour so i decide to go to Draco and Luke dorm. 

As you made your way to Draco and Luke's dorm, you couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. The thought of being in an arranged marriage with Mattheo Riddle, the brother of the infamous Tom Riddle, was overwhelming. You needed to clear your head and forget about it, at least for a little while.

When you arrived at the dormitory, you found that only Luke was there. He was sitting on his bed, smoking. He looked up when he heard you enter, and a small smile formed on his lips.

"Hey," he said, moving a little making space for you to sit"What brings you here?"

You walked over to him and sat down on the bed next to him. "I needed to get out of the Great Hall for a while," you explained. "It's all a bit overwhelming."

Luke nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It can be a lot to take in, here he say handing you the smoke ."

You both fell into a comfortable silence while smoking, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to Luke. He was easy to talk to, and you found yourself opening up to him about your worries and fears.

As the night wore on you got high, and you found yourself getting closer to Luke. He was kind and gentle, and you couldn't help but feel a connection to him. As you talked, your faces drew closer, and before you knew it, your lips met in a kiss.

It was unexpected, but it felt right. You let yourself get lost in the moment, forgetting about everything else for a little while. Eventually, you pulled away, both of you breathless.

"I shouldn't have done that," you said, feeling guilty about betraying Mattheo, even though the marriage was arranged.

Luke smiled softly. "It's okay," he said. "We can keep it our little secret."

You nodded, feeling relieved that he didn't judge you. You stayed a little longer, talking and laughing, before finally heading back to your own dormitory, feeling a little lighter than before.

A/N: 756 words

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