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days skipped:

As the days rolled on, Mattheo become mor gentle around me. It wasn't just a one-time thing; he kept being there for me. The trauma from that night took its sweet time fading away, and Mattheo was my support though it all.

Mattheo pov:

It been a couple of days and Y/N as made some progress but the moment my fingers brushed against her skin, she flinched. It was a second, but it felt like forever .

Her reaction hit me like a punch to the gut. I pulled back immediately, knowing she needs time. She didn't say anything, but that small flinch spoke for its self. I felt this regret, like I'd unintentionally broke a barrier I didn't know existed.

Confusion played on her face, and I could see it in her eyes. It wasn't just about the recent trauma; it was something deeper, something that predated the horrors of that night. I wished I could rewind, erase that moment, and spare her any more pain.

It made me question everything — every touch, every attempt to comfort. But I relied that she need me and I can't let thought get in the way.

It was time for bed, I see her go into the bathroom and I hear the water turn on. A few minutes later I see Y/N come out in in pjs. See gets into bed and I lay beside her still giving her space.

Time passed, and I could hear the soft sounds of the night. Just as I was starting to drift into sleep, I feel Y/N shaking. she seem like she was having a nightmare. She tossed and turned, and her body was covered in sweat.

My Instinct kicked in, and I reached out without thinking I put her in for a hug and her head now rest on my chest.

With my touch Y/N woke up crying. As she laid on my chest she became more relaxed and she melted into my touch.

She held on to me like I was gonna leave so I reassure her. I move her head slightly and directly on my heart. " Y/N listen to my heart beat see I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here ok? Go to sleep"

Back to Y/N pov:

He was clam and soft with me and I felt safe with him. The thought of him leaving scared me but some how he knew like he could read my mind.

I replywith  "ok"

After a while I speak again "Mattheo i think i want to go to class tomorrow"

He reply's with a "ok darling but for now sleep"

444 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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