13. i want u to remember every single detail

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Avneet's POV

He laughed, delighted with my straightforward response.

"Your turn. One question. One completely honest answer."

I should have asked about Anushka. The answer was standing right there in front of me. But my lust was clouding my senses, and my ego was starting to feel the effects of a bruise.

"Why don't you want to have sex with me?"

He broke out into a wolfish grin, then put his hands on my hips and drew me into him. With his lips at my ear, he murmured,

"It's not that I don't want to sleep with you, gorgeous. It's that you're drunk." He nipped at my earlobe.

"When I do fuck you, I want you to remember every. Last. Detail."

Then, softly brushing his lips against my throat as he retracted, Siddharth  Nigam was gone.

The morning after my first Nigam Industries staff party, I woke up with a splitting hangover and a hefty portion of regret.

I couldn't believe, first of all, that I had actually asked the Nigam Industries CEO, and my new boss,
if he had fired the girl who I had replaced because of an affair gone wrong. Worse, I couldn't believe that I hadn't actually asked it as a question-I had stated it as an accusation.

And he had laughed.

In my mind I could still see Siddharth's, hazel eyes flashing with mischief, chuckling as I flat-out accused him of a serious breach of ethics and what could have been an HR nightmare.

I could also still feel his lips on mine, and his hands on my hips as he pulled me in to whisper dark promises into my ear before leaving.

There was a lot that I needed to sort out from the night before. Luckily I had the whole day to do it.

I crawled out of bed, doing my best unintentional Nosferatu impersonation. As I crept, grimacing, through my apartment, I saw the empty glasses from the night before. Two of them. My face flushed and my head went into a spin.

I sat down and took a moment. Sometimes my hangovers were like this-pools of misery, regret, and doubt. That I was having such a reaction when it was incredibly inconvenient for me to do so was just proof of how much my brain hated me.

When I finally got to the kitchen, I filled up my biggest water bottle- the one normally reserved for hot yogaand skulked back to bed to go over the facts:

1. Siddharth Nigam was ridiculously hot and rich.

2. He was somehow into me, and had made a promise to fuck me last night that still made my core clench when I thought about it.

3. He had not denied his involvement with the previous Communications Coordinator.

4. He also had not confirmed it.

5. There was a strong possibility that all of this was a main point, because I'd never be able to get out of bed again.

I sighed and relaxed back into my pillows, pulling the small woolen blanket I kept on top of my duvet over my eyes to block out the rays of morning light.

I didn't know what to do. Could I resist Siddharth, even if I wanted to? He was a big ol' pot of sex mixed with a healthy dose of charm. I wouldn't have been surprised to find out that he had been crafted specially to seduce me, and that I was destined to fall in the face of his seduction.

I also didn't want to resist.

Except part of me did, because I also didn't want to lose my job if things went sour. And, more importantly, I took serious issue with the idea of a man whose ethics were so detached that he would fire an employee because they broke up with him (or whatever had been the case) especially since in doing so, all of Anushka's responsibilities had fallen onto my supervisor, Jannat. Poor thing. She'd been an absolute wreck for the past couple of weeks due to a high stress property acquisition.

And, with the circle now complete, I'd gotten no closer to figuring out what I should do about Siddharth Nigam.

I groaned and pulled my duvet over myself. Perhaps it would be a good thing if I didn't make it through this hangover.

To be continued  .....


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