17. i like her but i don't trust her

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Avneet's POV

Siddharth rocked back on his heels.

"You can't tell me that those lustful thoughts of yours just went away the next day," he said.

His eyes twinkled.

I turned away from him and began walking angrily toward the Thai place. Part of the reason was because my face was definitely turning red.

Of course I had thought about him. I had thought a lot about him. But I also thought a lot about how beautiful fire is. That didn't mean I was going to stick my hand into a fireplace anytime soon.

Siddharth easily kept stride beside me.

"If you try something like that again," I stormed.

"I'm going to report you so fast you won't even have time to look at your fancy ass watch."

Siddharth sighed. "I deserved that," he said, "but what was I supposed to do when you won't even talk to me?"

"Anything but start rumors about me at work!"

"I didn't start any rumors," he said.

"You're overreacting."

I tried to rein in my breathing, heels stomping an angry tune along the sidewalk. The truth was, I was angry at myself as well. Damn did I ever just want to go back to Saturday and finish what we started. But I wasn't a kid anymore. I couldn't make dumb mistakes like that.

"Siddharth," I said evenly, stopping again and facing him. "I'm not going to sleep with you. So you need to drop it."

He held my gaze, his hazel eyes like candy. "All I want to do is take you for lunch."

I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Why do I feel like you want to do much more than take me to lunch?" I asked.

He smirked. "Well, all I want to do right now is take you to lunch." He began walking again, calling behind him, "Maybe then you'll see that I'm not the guy you think I am."

Siddharth's pov

Avneet glared at me , and it was both cute and guiltinspiring. I wasn't used to having to actively pursue a girl, and so perhaps in my most recent endeavor I had erred slightly. Nonetheless, she was still overreacting. And that gave me hope.

If she was that determined to think ill of me, it was because she found it difficult to do so.

"We have nothing in common, you know," she said, slurping down her noodles.

She seemed to be trying to be deliberately off-putting. It wouldn't work. The little O her mouth made as she sucked down the noodles was having the opposite effect.

"We have at least one thing in common," I said, spooning a bite of rice and red curry into my mouth.

"We both want to screw each others' brains out."

Her fork dropped down onto her plate. Her brown eyes fixed on mine with a determined look. "Drunk Avneet wants to bang you. Sober Avneet knows better."

I took a sip of my beer and eased back in my chair. "Sober Avneet only think she knows better," I replied.

"What do you think is going to happen?"

Avneet's eyes filled with accusation.

"The same thing that happened to Anushka."

I chuckled, leaning forward against the table. "I can promise you that what happened to Anushka will not happen to you," I said.

"She was a bad employee. You're a good employee."

"And that's the only reason you fired her? Because she was a bad employee?" She scoffed.

"Of course you would tell me that."

I studied her face. Could I tell her? No. Not yet. I might like the girl, I might want to fuck her-but I didn't trust her.

It was hard to trust these days.

"It's confidential," I said finally. "And it would be in poor form of me to discuss what went on with her. But believe me when I say that I was disappointed that I had to let her go. She was a smart girl."

"But you said she was a bad employee?"

"She was," I said.

"That didn't make her any less of a smart girl. She had potential."

Avneet eyed me warily. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

I smiled sadly at her. "Avneet," I said, sighing.
"Do you really think that a theory you have no proof for is more believable than the word directly from the horse's mouth?"

It was a half-truth, as had it been when I said that I was disappointed to see Anushka go. I was disappointed in her alright, and she had been a smart girl. Just not smart enough.

I could see avneet's resolve breaking, and I watched her take a moment to think of another excuse not to give in to the animal attraction we both shared. It would only make it that much sweeter when I had her.

"Fine," she said. "I believe you." She picked up her fork and shoveled another scoop of noodles into her mouth. "But that doesn't mean I'm getting into bed with you, so you can quit it."

I shrugged. "If you want to ignore what's right in front of you, be my guest," I said.

I wasn't giving up on her. But I was willing to wait.

To be continued.....

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