31. Abhinavi

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Avneet's POV

I didn't see Sid all morning, which was a good thing. I didn't know how I'd be able to keep my hands off of him if I did see him. The thought of him flipping me over this morning in a mere breath had me in a spin all morning. I couldn't get the image of his mischievous eyes on mine, full of dark promise and lust, out of my head. And didn't want to.

Because I wanted Siddharth. It was more than just lust. I was so, so glad that I hadn't stooped to betraying him last night. I would have never forgiven myself, even if he forgave me. That just wasn't something you did to someone you cared about.

I had a text from Anushka, asking if I'd done it. I chose to ignore it for the time being and to figure out what I was going to do about that whole situation at a later time. What were you supposed to do in that situation? Should I be ratting her out, or just letting her fall to the wayside?

Even just thinking that, though, I knew I couldn't forget about it. I knew I would have to get answers from Sid. And, if Anushka had lied to me, I knew that I would need to bring justice down upon her. I'd nearly ruined my shot at future happiness because of her.

Around one p.m., just as I was finally getting ready to go grab some lunch-it had been a long morning of work-I heard music drifting in from outside. I stepped outside my office, chasing the sound, but it was coming from outside the building. I was just about to ignore it and walk to the lunchroom when I saw Vaishnavi streak past me, her eyes full of life for the first time in days.

Sid was walking calmly out behind her, obviously trying to seem like he was doing something else and just happened to casually be walking in the same direction
that the little blonde had just run in. I fell into step beside him.

"What's going on?" I asked, watching Vaishnavi wrench open the front door of the office.

"Abhi stopped being an idiot."

If that meant that he was finally admitting his feelings for Vaishnavi, that was something I wanted to see. Sid and I crept outside, staying close to the building so as not to draw attention to ourselves. Feathers began gathering outside on the sidewalk in a little crowd in front of a stage that was in the middle of the street. Which was
good because what good was a stage without a crowd?

"Oh darling..."

I had been watching Vaishnavi, who was standing with her hands over her mouth and her eyes full of joy in front of the stage, and had completely missed the fact that the man on stage singing with the band was none other than Abhi himself.

"If you leave me, I'll never make it alone..."

He was quite good. I didn't quite understand what was happening but Vaishnavi certainly seemed to be enjoying it.

"Is this like a special song for them or something?" I asked, leaning into Sid's shoulder.

"Apparently," he said.

"Abhi says he sang it to her in the car the first time he ever drove her home."

"Awe, he used to drive her home?"

Sid nodded. The music seemed to swell in volume as Abhi got to the screaming part of the song. "Back in the early days of this office, when Vaishnavi first started, Abhi used to come in and work with me sometimes. He had an apartment near mine which, as you remember, is near Vaishnavi's."

I smiled, my heart feeling warm. "That's so sweet," I said. "I can't believe he remembered a little detail like that."

From the looks of it, neither could Vaishnavi.

The song ended with raucous applause from the crowds, mixed in with hoots and hollers. Abhi, looking like a modern Beatle in his tailored suit and shaggy hair, smiled as he looked down at Vaishnavi.

"I love you, Vaish," he said.

"Always have. I know that I messed up, but you're the only girl I need in this life. I promise not to do it again."

Sid let out a bark of laughter, which caused Abhi to glance up at him. When he turned back to Vaishnavi, who was still beaming, he added, "Okay I'll try not to do it again."

Vaishnavi and the crowd laughed. She reached up and pulled him down from the stage, pushing herself up on her tiptoes to kiss him. The crowd went wild.

I reached up my hand to wipe the teeny tiny tears from my eyes.

"Are you crying?" said asked, laughing.

I laughed at myself. "I'm such a sucker for stuff like this," I said.

"I think I'd hate it if it were me, but seeing other people having just these perfect moments...ugh, it gets to me."

He put his arm around me, pulling me close to his side. I was alarmed at first, seeing as most of the people from the office were outside now, but none of them were looking at me. Anyway, if they were I didn't care.

I rested my head against Sid's chest, inhaling his spicy and heavenly aroma.

"I feel like you had a hand in this," I said.

A deep laugh rumbled in his chest. "Maybe."

I gave him a playful smack on the chest. "You're a big softie," I said. "I knew it."

He looked down at me, lust fiery and hot in his eyes.

"You'll pay for that."

To be continued.....

Here's the chapter...

Stay tuned for the next.

Bye, see ya.
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