30. Avneet Kaur is mine

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Siddharth's POV

Avneet didn't want to be seen coming into work with me-though I assured her that nobody would say anything since they all knew better-so I showered and dressed alone after she had left. Abhi was back at home by then, though he wasn't asleep in his room as I had expected.

"We're doing this?" he said.

I nodded. "You're doing this. I'm just the provider of help and advice."

Abhi was wearing his reading glasses again, looking very studious. He was dressed in a suit, which wasn't something I was normally able to expect of him. He looked nervous, which was charming as hell. If he was half as dedicated to Vaishnavi as he seemed to be, then we wouldn't have a problem.

"I'm scared," he professed. "She could turn me down."

I snorted, walking over to the fridge to grab some breakfast.

"She's not going to turn you down. That girl is crazy about you." When I saw that Abhi had eaten all my breakfast shakes, I gritted my teeth and grabbed a banana off the counter.

"But being scared is a good thing."

“It is?" he asked. With his big wide eyes, he looked like a lost puppy.

"Of course," I replied. "It means that it's real."

Abhi nodded. “Okay. Good."

He looked down at his iPad, which had a collection of numbers and symbols on the page.

"I've been looking at some of our financial reports for this quarter," he said.

“I think I know of a couple of small ways we can marginally increase our profits."

"Marginally?" I asked.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "You know, just a couple per cent or so."

I laughed. A couple per cent for us would mean hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, per quarter.

“I think you and I have some stuff to talk about when you've sorted all this out with Vaishnavi."

Once I was all ready to go, we headed down to the garage. I dropped Abhi off in town so that he could run the errands he had to do. I was anxious to get to work. I
needed to see Avni. It wasn't that there was any particular reason that I needed to see her; I just wanted to see her. Since last night, when I'd held her in my arms and listened to her breathe, I had felt profoundly at peace. That was an unusual thing for me. I wasn't used to being so...calm. And I felt truly calm.

When I got to work, Vaishnavi was there with the same blank look on her face that she'd had the day before. At least she wasn't filing the coffee filters or anything strange like that. I could deal with her if she was just being dull. Besides, it wouldn't be long before she perked right up.

I smiled, remembering how bright Abhi's eyes had gotten when I told him that I would help him. I remembered how pissed I had been when he told me what it was that he wanted to do, but it was his relationship, I supposed. If he wanted to be tacky as hell, that was his problem.

I stepped into my office and closed the door, heading over to my computer with a sigh. It was torture for me, knowing that Avneet Kaur was only a couple hundred feet away, and there was nothing I could do about it while I was at work. My body buzzed with energy, remembering the way her body had rippled against mine just that morning. Fuck. She was so hot. She was so sexy. She was mine.

That thought slipped in there unbidden.


Avneet Kaur was mine.

I liked that.

I'd never bothered to feel possessive of any one woman before because there had been no point. I would tire of them before long, anyway, and the thought of them being pursued by other men has hardly a tough pill to swallow.

But with Avneet everything was different. She was different.

Her finally giving in to me, heart, body, and soul was the sweetest gift I'd ever received. Her body writhing beneath me, desperate for the release that I had promised, was a visual that nothing in my life would ever replace. And she was mine.

I smiled as I set to my morning's work with that on my mind. Yes, it was painful being so close and not able to take her when and where I wanted, but I relished the feeling of knowing that she would still be mine when the day was over.

It seemed like it was the start of a fresh, good, new day.

To be continued.....

I am thinking to update again till 9:00 pm if I did get enough votes.

So if I get it, I will surely update it.

Stay tuned.

Bye, see ya.

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