4. embarrassing as hell

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god, love's fuckin' embarrassin'
just watch as i crucify myself
my god, love's embarrassing as hell


You and Todoroki—Shouto, you remind yourself—currently stand at a crossroad, both of you staring down at your phones in confusion. Two twin messages from the same person, a single pin on a map barely two blocks from here. Ahead of you, Endeavor rushes to see what the commotion is, why there's a fire raging on in the middle of the city, if it has anything to do with the hero killer he's so obsessed with.

Full offense to him, but the text seems more pressing.

"Do you think Midoriya's in trouble?" You ask, looking up at Shouto with furrowed brows. "It's kinda hard to accidentally send your location." Plus it's, like, girl code 101 that you send a pin when you're maybe possibly about to die. Shouto... probably wouldn't know that, though. Would Midoriya?

"I don't know," your companion admits, brows pulled down. Despite his lack of an answer, the two of you turn on your heels to follow the pin in sync, evidence of your extended time together. If you weren't concerned about your classmate, you might have been impressed by how quickly you'd grown close with the boy your parents threw you at. Trauma-bonding at its finest.

Bringing you out of your thoughts, Shouto skids to a stop, holding his phone out as his head turns back and forth. Finally, his eyes land on an alleyway across the street. "I think it's there."

You take a deep breath. Man, that looks sketchy. "Alright," you say, dreading your actions already, "Let's go."

"Sketchy" is probably the best way to describe the situation, too. All this work Endeavor put into finding the Hero Killer, just for Midoriya, Ida, and some random pro-hero to stumble upon him. Wrong place, wrong time.

Puddles of blood remind you that you probably should have thought this through, should have told an actual hero instead of blindly following Shouto into a dark alley. Man, this was a bad idea. The Hero Killer, injured as well, glowers down at poor Ida. A blast of fire from Shouto's enough to get him to back off. It's also enough to shock you back into reality, to force you to face the fact that, yes, you are about to confront Japan's most wanted man (probably; you're not keeping score) and, yes, this is a horrible, horrible idea.

I barely survived the USJ bullshit, dude. What the fuck am I doing here? Is this a prank, or something? Is Shouto testing to see if I really wanna be a hero? Wait, that's crazy, don't think that—

"Can you heal them?" His voice cuts through the chaos surrounding the alley, the whirlwind of thoughts in your head. He keeps his eyes on the villain, something you're definitely not smart enough to mimic.

Your eyes dart between Shouto and the injured. Finally, you inhale and shake your head. "Not unless I'm close," you say, "and I don't think he's gonna let me waltz on over."

"Leave that to me."

You blink, then huff. "Good luck," you say before squeaking in surprise as ice shoots out from beneath your feet. It forms a slope, somehow perfectly bringing everyone into a heap beside you. "Well, damn. Sure you can keep him away?" You crouch down, quickly assessing which of the three looks most injured—Probably the pro, right...?—and get to work with healing.

"(L/N)?" Midoriya exclaims, blinking up at you with wide eyes. He shakes his head before squirming as if restricted by some invisible, oppressive force, something pressing his back against the icy concrete. "Todoroki," he shouts, "don't let him ingest your blood! I think it lets him paralyze you!"

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