Twisted: Happy ending isn't real

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Aurora's POV

Returning to the palace, we gently tucked Maleficent's daughter into bed, her peaceful slumber a testament to the newfound harmony between our families. Seeing the two young girls, in peaceful rest, filled my heart with warmth and gratitude.

As I watched them, a surge of emotion washed over me. With a tender smile, I reached out to adjust a stray lock of hair on my daughter's forehead, marveling at the innocence of youth. Beside her, Maleficent's daughter stirred slightly, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she snuggled closer to my daughter's side..

Maleficent's laughter echoed through the halls as we made our way to the privacy of my chambers.

But as the door closed behind us, a sudden impulse took hold of me. With a mischievous grin, I gently pushed Maleficent against the wall, my hands resting lightly on her shoulders.

Her eyes widened in surprise, but there was a glimmer of amusement dancing within them as she looked up at me. "What are you up to?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

In response, I leaned in closer, my senses overwhelmed by the delicate fragrance that surrounded her. With a playful twinkle in my eye, I took a deep breath, savoring the sweet scent of her perfume mingled with the faint hint of rain.

Maleficent's cheeks flushed pink at the unexpected gesture, a soft giggle escaping her lips. "You're silly," she teased, her laughter music to my ears.

But beneath the playful banter, there was a warmth that enveloped us, a shared intimacy that spoke volumes without words. In that fleeting moment, as we stood there, our laughter mingling in the air, I knew that our bond was stronger than ever.

With a gentle smile, I released my hold on Maleficent.

As I moved to step back, Maleficent's hand darted out, catching mine in a gentle yet firm grip. There was an unexpected weight to her touch, a silent plea that stopped me in my tracks.

I turned to face her, searching her eyes for any hint of what she might be feeling. In the soft glow of the candlelight, I saw a vulnerability that took my breath away, a raw honesty that left me speechless.

"Please," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, "don't give me hope."

Her words hung in the air between us, heavy with emotion. In that moment, it was as if time stood still, the world fading away until there was only the two of us, bound together by an unspoken connection that defied explanation. 

She didn't protest; instead, she met my gaze with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I leaned in closer, our faces mere inches apart. The faint scent of rain lingered on her skin, mixing with the intoxicating aroma of her perfume. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as we stood there, suspended in that moment, the world around us fading into nothingness.

And then, without a word, our lips met in a fiery kiss that sent shockwaves coursing through my body. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, a whirlwind of passion and desire that threatened to consume us both.

The weight of the world melted away as we surrendered ourselves to each other, lost in a haze of ecstasy. In that fleeting instant, nothing else mattered but the two of us, locked in a timeless embrace.

When we finally pulled apart, breathless and trembling, I knew that this was only the beginning of our story. For in that stolen moment, I had found something worth fighting for, something worth risking everything for.

As we stood there, hand in hand, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we were together, we could conquer them all. Our love was a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.

And so, as the sun began to rise on a new day, we set out together, ready to face whatever adventures awaited us, hand in hand, hearts entwined forevermore. For our story was far from over; it was just beginning, and I couldn't wait to see where it would take us next.


As I looked around at my little family unit - my beloved Maleficent, our daughters snuggled up peacefully, and my somewhat disgruntled husband - a mischievous glint danced in my eyes. Maleficent caught my gaze and smirked knowingly, her presence adding an extra layer of intrigue to the situation.

My husband, bless his heart, still hadn't quite come to terms with the fact that Maleficent was now a permanent fixture in our lives. His furrowed brow and crossed arms spoke volumes, a silent protest against the unconventional dynamics of our family.

But as I glanced at Maleficent, her expression a mix of amusement and defiance, I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for her. She was unapologetically herself, refusing to conform to society's expectations, and I loved her all the more for it.

With a playful wink at Maleficent, I turned back to my husband, unable to resist a teasing remark. "Well, darling," I quipped, "looks like you're outnumbered. But don't worry, I'll make sure you get your fair share of attention too."

Maleficent stifled a laugh beside me, her eyes twinkling with mischief. And as I basked in the chaos of our little family, I knew that there was nowhere else I'd rather be. After all, life with Maleficent was never boring, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The End


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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