Turn 2: Let's go to the beach, beach!

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Aurora's POV

The morning sunshine sparkled through the flowing range of the river. The overcast glow from the branches of the tall trees reflected on the water, dancing along with the swaying motion of the leaves.

Birds were annoyingly chirping at six in the morning. I mean- come on, not because I live on a fairy tale I have to be a perfect damsel who don't have a problem with stupid alarms. I just turned sixteen; even Snow White needs to sleep. These sweet little animals were desperate for my attention. It was Aunt Flora's fault for giving me the gift of beauty and to be loved by everyone around me.

Of course I could not be mad at any of these sweet little creatures. The chipmunks were wide eyed and very still standing by the window, and the deer and other four legged animals were waiting downstairs. This was why Aunt Merryweather always lectured me about cleanliness, the animals' manure, well more like shit, would be left scattered on the floor, at the front yard and around the house after I left for a walk in the forest.

Today was a bit different, though. Still lying on my bed I stretched my hands up, yawning. Pulling my blanket over my head I rolled my back and tried to sleep again. Suddenly the horses neighed and other animals shrieked. They were all running away rattled and shaking, shocked like cats caught on live wire.

A mouse ran into my arms, shivering as if it was cold.

"What's the matter with you?"

I wonder why they were acting like this. Did my magical gifts expire, like seriously? Scooping it up, I petted the little mouse in my hands, shushing to calm it down.

"Shh, sweetie, it's alright." It finally calmed down, I'm glad it worked. I've never been angry in my whole life. It was all bliss and maybe just a little down and alone time in the forest.

The door flew open letting in a cold breeze, the door banged to the wall earning a squeak from me.

"What the effing, don't you know how to knock? It's so early; who do you think you-"

A tall, horned woman appeared in a dark purple dress. Every sway of her hips were counted, calculated, and smoothly moved.

"Aurora," Maleficent said, how audible...one of a kind accent she had.

"Maleficent, I-I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you."

"It's alright sweetie," she smiled to me, flashing her perfect pearly whites.

"I'm here to take you for a walk," she said, "at the beach." She smiled even wider.

"Beach..." I murmured. "I've only read about it in my story books."

"Yes, I know you've never been on a beach before, so I'm here to take the new queen to the far side of the kingdom." Maleficent grabbed my hand and gestured for me to stand up. I obeyed. 

Oh my, noooo, this is not a date, it's not. Oh please Briar Rose, don't assume too much. We're just going for a walk, that's it. I'm not talking to myself, I'm talking to the mouse, okay? I am not crazy.

"Would you like to come?" Maleficent said storming my mind with her smile.

"Oh, of course, I'd love to!" I would love to come.....come.... oh my perverted mind! Oh my lord, forgive me!

And here I go again imagining myself with Maleficent walking hand in hand. This time, it's on a different venue, to the vast white finely grained sand. The wind blew softly on my face; my head was on Maleficent's shoulder. We were just taking things slow, enjoying the bright light of the sun above us. The view of the paradise along the seashore sounds like summer calling for a swim, and the just you know, embracing the company of each other. How romantic would that be?

"Let's go?" she said with a lot of excitement in her voice

"Uh, where's Diablo?" I asked, because whenever we have to travel Maleficent always brought her assistant crow with her and transformed him for an extra ride. I wonder if he's still asleep, but are crows nocturnal? I don't know.

"We don't need him for now; since I've gotten my wings back." She tilted to the side and flapped her wings a little. She was so cute when she did that.

"You're going to ride on me," she winked, "hop in, beastie."

RIDE ON HER!????  My nose is bleeding, excuse me.

"Okay," I smiled and hastily run to her back.

She glanced at me with a bit of confusion tinting her face.

"Leave the mouse behind."

"Oh! Yes, I forgot," I laughed awkwardly. Who would've brought a mouse on their first date? I didn't know I threw the mouse a little too hard, so it bumped its butt to the hard wooden floor. Maleficent giggled, and just like a coffee, she just made my day.

"Hold on tight, beastie" she said.

Wrapping my arms around her neck from behind, I pressed my body feeling her warmth. Her wings started to move slowly. It was like a hurricane. She was very strong, it made me feel something down there that I'm not sure of. Closing my eyes, I inhaled her scent. She was the queen; she was terrific in a way I can't mutter a word I know that would suit her. She was achingly amazing.

I smiled and hugged her even tighter. "Let's go!"

Vote if you liked it! : ) goodnight everyone, have a nice sleep...

-sevheen7♞ The dark knight

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