Turn 3: Fly to your heart

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When we took off she was like a loon. She ran into the wind and the rush of air beneath her wings lifted us up.

Others like puffins and peregrine falcons jump off cliffs and other high perches. Chimney swifts simply let go of their chimney or another vertical perch and fall into the air. Maleficent was different; her wings were so powerful that she could go straight up from a perched position without jumping.

Maleficent had beautiful dark brown feathers and lovely songs that bring joy and wonder to us humans as well as the animals. You've never heard her sing, have you? There was one time though; she was fixing the flowers that had been damaged during the battle of the kingdom. She was humming a wonderful melody, and then finally I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard her voice. It was sorrowful; there was too much sadness in her song. Even if I couldn't understand the words from afar, I knew she was breaking deep within.

Her flight was the feature that probably captured the human imagination more than anything else. For a millennium I have watched birds in the sky and wished I could fly as well. She glided and soared with herlong narrow wings stretched out, sometimes staying aloft for hours without a single beat of her wings. Maleficent can't rest her wings for even a second in flight. She had a swooping flight, like crows fly in a straight line, swallows, darts and weaves every which way.  

We humans could try leaping and flapping our arms or running into a stiff wind, but we wouldn't get very far off the ground. Riding her, I mean being with her, was amazing. I could feel heaven, heaven everywhere when I'm with Maleficent. How was that even possible?

I stretched out my arms, savoring the feeling of free air.

"Aurora, no!" she screamed.

"What-" Before I know, I was falling away from her and at the same time falling for her, harder even.

During the free fall I was unexpectedly calm. I was fast falling at a minimum speed of 100 miles per hour. Why am I calculating? This was my death. Tomorrow's headline would be whispered in the husky air of my own kingdom.

Poor newly crowned Queen Aurora died in an accident, blah, blah, blah. I'm not really into newspapers. But it doesn't matter now, I was going to die. How pathetic; I didn't die from Maleficent's curse but from falling off her back. It was my fault. I let go of her, I refused to hold on her tighter.

Today was the happiest wake I've ever had, so happy I'd die today. On my very last breath, she would be by my side.

"When I break my head into the ground, I want you to forget me, my beloved." I said to myself, hoping she could hear me. Oh wait, what if hell was real? Oh no, how am I supposed to enter heaven with all my silly deeds? My naughty daydreams of Maleficent will be the end of me. I should have thought that there was hell too. Oh god, please no!

"Aunt Flora, Aunt Fauna, Aunt Merryweather, save me!" I was panicking, I could not die today.

I still wanted to feel those wild lingering warm butterflies in my tummy, her arms around me; her lips on my skin, on my lips, too. But it was too late.

My life on a fairy tale was just a pitiful short story anyway.

-sevheen7 ♞ The dark knight

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