*Ians pov*
I put Lucy to sleep in the guest bedroom before going downstairs and sitting on the couch, I got lost in my thoughts. 'I did this to her' 'I got Lucy pregnant and she's not even my girlfriend' 'what will I tell Sophia?' 'I will break up with her, I have to, I want to be with Lucy and our baby' 'was she serious when she said I was the only guy she's slept with?' 'That means she was a virgin when we' 'oh shit! I got Lucy pregnant!' I eventually fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning I woke up and walked into my bedroom to see Sophia sleeping. I sat on the bed on my phone when I hear Lucy run across the hallway to the bathroom so I get up and quickly follow her. She bends down and I grab her hair as she starts throwing up in to the toilet. I rubbed circles on her back "your alright, your okay Luce" I said softly "Ian, who are you talking to..." Sophia came into the bathroom and saw what was happening "when did she get here and why is she throwing up" she asked bluntly "we need to talk" I say, this is it, I'm doing this for Lucy and our baby because I love them both more than I've ever loved Sophia "look Sophia, I think we need to break up" I say "what? why? Is this to with what's happening now!" she shouts " I stay silent and continue rubbing Lucy's back "hey your okay" I tell her reassuringly "Er hello? Ian where is this coming from? we were happy!" She says "look Sophia I just don't see myself with you in the future, but I do with Lucy" and then I murmur under my breath "and our baby" I hoped she didn't hear "BABY?! Ian what the hell, you got her pregnant!" Sophia screams at me "yes I did, I love her and our baby so I need to be there for them" I say softly "fine you know what, you can have that little slut as your girlfriend and that precious baby of yours but you will be sorry you ever left me" she says and storms out of my apartment, luckily she didn't actually live with me. I was stunned and Lucy finally finished throwing up, she wiped her mouth and curled up in a ball and started crying "goose what's wrong?" I ask cornered "Ian I'm so sorry" she bawls and I pull her up and into my arms "you have nothing to be sorry for, I never loved Sophia like I love you" I tell her truthfully "Ian you don't have to be with me just because I'm pregnant you know" she says and I pull her on to my lap and place my hands on her stomach "Lucy I love you so much and I never got the chance to tell you that because I didn't think you felt the same way" I kiss her head "ever since i first laid eye on you, I knew you were the one for me, so I think the universe was trying to tell us that we were meant to be together by giving us this baby" I say and she turns around and kisses me with so much passion "I love you so much Ian" "I love you more Luce"

I Need You - Lucian
Fanfictionwhat happens when Lucy and Ians plans get cancelled so decide to go to his cabin?