*Lucys pov*
I'm so happy with the responses we got from telling the fans about Ian and I. they have always wanted lucian to happen and in time, it did. we both decided that we were going to wait until my bump was actually noticeable with my clothes on because right now you can only see it when I don't have a shirt on or I'm wearing a tight tank top, which happens to be Aria's favourite clothing piece... "Ian Harding and Lucy Hale to set 5 please" I made my way to Ezras apartment set hand in hand with Ian. I had to go and sit on the bathroom floor again and Ian was waiting outside the door to the apartment. "Action" Marlene shouts and I have to fake throwing up again, it finishes as Ezra opens the door "Aria?" he asks "in here" I say in a upset voice and climb up to my feet "are you alright babe" Ian asks in Ezras character "I think so" I wipe my mouth on the back of my wrist and he pulls me into a hug. when he releases me, he hands me a brown paper bag with a green cross on it, I knew exactly what he went out to get. I open it and pull out 3 boxes of pregnancy tests. Each box contained 2 tests. I look up at Ezra and he gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back "I'll take these now, will you wait on the couch" I say opening the first box and looking at the instructions "alright" he kisses my head "good luck and remember whatever happens, I will be here with you" he pecks my lips and then his lips linger on mine "I love you" he says and kisses me harder and then walks out of the bathroom as I put 4 of the tests on the counter like I just used them. "cut" Marlene says so that we can change all the tests on the counter to ones that say positive I have to make myself cry as Marlene says action. The camera is on me as I pick up all 4 tests and walk out the bathroom with tears pouring down my face. Ezra was pacing up and down. he stops and looks at me, his eyes full of sorrow as I walk out the room "Ezra, I'm Pregnant" he just walks over and holds me tight in his arms for what feels like forever "Aria look at me" I look up "we will get through this, we will be okay, I promise" I smile at him and bury my head in his neck as he rocks me side to side and kisses my head frequently "cut!" Ian kisses my lips and takes my hand as we walk over to Marlene "awesome job as always guys!" we smile "thanks mar" Ian says as he stands behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach "Luce, how you feeling?" she asks "sick and very tired but it's gonna be worth it in the end" I place my hands on top of Ian's "if you ever feel to sick or tired just let me know and you can have a few days off work, you shouldn't be working as hard as you are when your pregnant" she smiles at me "thankyou mar, you're the best!" I pull out of Ian's arms and hug her before taking Ian's hand and walking to my dressing room. we slump on my couch and I rest my head on Ian's shoulder as his arms make their way around my waist. I close my eyes and eventually fall asleep. I really do have the most amazing people in my life and I couldn't be happier...

I Need You - Lucian
Fanfictionwhat happens when Lucy and Ians plans get cancelled so decide to go to his cabin?