chapter 10

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*ians pov*

we just got to set, today we are filming the scene where Aria finds out she's pregnant. We make our way to set 5 and rehearse our lines. "Ezra I think I'm gonna be..." Lucy says in Arias character as she puts her hand over her mouth and runs into the little bathroom in Ezra's apartment and acts like she's puking in the fake toilet. She lifts her head up "are you okay?" I ask I'm Ezra's character "um I think so" she slumps against the wall "why did that happen? are you sick?" he asks and Aria shakes her head "aria could you be..." "what! no I couldn't be, could I?" Ezra shrugs his shoulders "we were always careful" Aria has tears starting to form "I'll be back in a bit" Ezra kisses Arias head and walks out the bathroom and out the apartment, as soon as the door shuts Aria burst out in tears and cries for a few seconds "cut!" Marlene shouts and I walk back over to Lucy and give her a high five "great job you guys, we will film the rest after lunch because I'm guessing Lucy's hungry" Marlene laughs and Lucy nods and pats her stomach "yep baby's hungry" we walk to my dressing room hand in hand and sit on the couch. Lucy snuggles into my arms "I think we should tell the fans about us" she says "whatever you want babe" "come here" she grabs her phone and takes a selfie where we are kissing on the lips "okay I will edit this and send it to you and we will both post it at the same time" she says "alright" my phone goes off so I save the picture and head to Instagram. I choose the picture and type the caption, 'the moment you've all been waiting for, LUCIAN IS REAL👫❤️ @lucyhale love you babe💗💗' and Lucy does the same with the caption 'LUCIAN IS REAL👫❤️ @IANMHARDING I love you!💗💗' "ready?" I ask "yep, on go" she says "okay, three, two, one, go!" we both click post and within seconds hundreds of over the moon fans are commenting and liking. Lucy and I both tweet the link with the caption 'more to come..." We both put our phones on the table and I hold her back in my arms and kiss her passionately on her perfect lips, things start to get more heated when the speaker interrupts us "Lucy Hale and Ian Harding back to set 5 please" we sigh "to be continued..." she smirks

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